Chapter 111 - 120

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Chapter 111 Oil Press

    With Jiang Nuo's eyesight and ears, he could track two such large assault boats without getting any closer.

    She always followed at a distance of about 50 meters.

    Even after the assault boat turned into the building, she didn't worry about losing track, after all, the engine was too loud.

    If it weren't for the consideration of the shooting distance, it could have followed further.

    The leader of this group is Mr. Zhang's younger brother. He is sitting on the assault boat smoking a cigarette and directing the boat.

    "A total of 8 people." Li Mengdao, her expression was calm and confident, "Keep this distance, I can hit."

    Jiang Nuo nodded, "Follow me again, find a suitable place, there are many neighborhoods around here, and they will be shot." Noticed."

    "Okay, but I see why they are also driving in the direction with fewer people? It should be in the direction of high speed." Li Meng was a little puzzled, "Could it be that their base is in the industrial area?" Jiang Nuo

    smiled Laughing, "No, I know this leader. His boss is named Zhang Sanping. Do you remember that when we were dealing with mutton, someone came to find trouble? They are the same group." Mentioning those people, Li Meng

    's His eyes became colder, "So it's them."

    These people robbed wherever they went, murdered and robbed everywhere, and everyone deserved to die.

    "The last time I interrogated that bald head, I told you about Mr. Zhang. His most powerful confidant is Fang Yuan, but I have already thrown him into the water. Mr. Zhang has resources in his hand, so he set out on an assault boat to recruit those Fugitives and gangsters robbed him of supplies everywhere, and most of the stolen things had to be handed in. After a long time, these people were also very upset, and Fang Yuan died, and President Zhang recruited so many people, he couldn't control it at all."

    Jiang Nuo analyzed, "Normally speaking, do you need to bring so many supplies to the trade fair held by the community?"

    After she reminded, Li Meng also found something wrong, "That's right, who doesn't know that there is no way to exchange food now, They don’t lack supplies, so why bring so many things here?”

    Jiang Nuo nodded, "Plus Zhang's stronghold is far away from here. It can be said that it is half a city away. It is unreasonable to come to the community trading center here to exchange things." "You mean...?"


    Nuo Nuo sneered, "Mr. Zhang's management is chaotic now. Everyone wants to do something for themselves. Even a small guy like Angkor wants to run away with a boat. I think this person is using the name of coming out to do business." Head, pull the official as a cover, pull out a batch of materials, intend to find a place to hide it, I guess he has more than just hiding this."

    Hiding a batch of materials, those who are ambitious, can build their own power.

    Those who have no ambitions can also donate to the government to change the occupancy quota of another base.

    But no matter what kind of idea he played, it was all in vain.

    Entering an area with a relatively open field of vision, Jiang Nuo moved another 30 meters away, and used road signs, billboards and other things to cover up his whereabouts.

    She followed quietly, and the other party didn't notice at all, all the way to a secluded self-built house.

    Seeing them stop the boat, Jiang Nuo stared.

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