𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒅 𝑫𝒂𝒉𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒔

Start from the beginning

Finnick scoffs to himself with a shake of his head, "So Cove's promise meant nothing to you? Have I been looking after Annie all these years for nothing?" Dahlia stays silent, backing away from the boy and looking anywhere but his beautiful eyes. "Annie hasn't got any family left to protect her! She needs the protection you promised her."

"The best protection I can offer her is to not be associated with me." Dahlia protests as she tries to keep the distance between herself and Finnick. Tears of frustration betray her detached persona while Finnick tries to approach her like she's a wounded animal. "I destroy everything I touch. She, and you, will be much better off away from me. I've done enough."

"I'm not going to let you push me away, Lia." Finnick declares passionately, closing the gap between them to gently grip her shoulders. "We're in this together." Leaning his forehead against hers, Dahlia has no choice but to gaze up into his eyes. "We're a team. So either you tell me what this is really about, or I'll find out myself... Either way, you're not getting away from me that easily."

Heart fluttering with what Dahlia assumes is just nerves, she takes a deep breath before letting out her confession, "It's my fault that they're here. Lavender and Annie being sent into the Games is my punishment."

"Punishment for what?" Finnick questions as his hands slide up to cup her cheeks. When Dahlia tries to look away, he softly forces her face upwards. "Come on, little flower. Don't go shy on me now." The tears spilling from Dahlia's eyes are gently brushed away by Finnick's thumb as he focuses only on her. "Why is Snow doing this?"

"I--" She doesn't want to admit it to Finnick. What if he hates her for it? What if he finally realises how crazy she's becoming? The doubts swirl and spiral out of control in her mind. "I killed Yarrow Whitewood."

Yarrow's death had been headline news in the Capitol, yet not one detail was mentioned about The Black Dahlia's signature smile carved into his face. That would've made it obvious who the culprit was. Everything was kept tightly under wraps, meaning no one knew who the killer was. Only that they had been brought swiftly to justice to answer for their crime. Dahlia knew there was no such thing as justice in Panem. Just heartbreak and death.

Her eyes squeeze shut in anticipation of Finnick's reaction, but instead he states, "Well, you did the world a favour." She nearly gasps in shock, not expecting that response at all, as her eyes snap open to drink in the proud smile on his face. "What did he do?"

Maybe the Golden Boy will be more fun, his voice haunts her mind and her eyes automatically narrow at the reminder.

"He threatened someone I love." Dahlia answers vaguely, not ready to reveal that she had killed him for Finnick. "And he destroyed the bracelet you made me."

"You killed a man because of a bracelet?" Finnick chuckles as Dahlia nods sheepishly, only just realising how silly it sounds. "What a girl you are, little flower." The adoring look he sends her makes tingling shivers travel down her spine and a genuine smile appear on her lips. "Don't worry. I can make you another one."

"Thank you, Finn." Dahlia says earnestly, small fingers wrapping around the boy's wrists and snaking their way up to cover his hands.

"Anything for you, Lia." And Finnick meant every single word. There's nothing he wouldn't do for her, and that doesn't scare him as much as it should.

The pair only pull apart from their connected comfort when they finally reach the ground floor. The chariots and horses are being prepared for the Tribute Parade while the mentors wait around for their tributes to appear. Finnick places his palm on the small of Dahlia's back and leads her over to Alaric and Mags.

"So," Alaric announces loudly, clapping his hands together as if conducting a business meeting. "What have you kids decided on?"

Exchanging sly glances, Dahlia and Finnick nod to each other before facing the older mentors. "We think it's time for another alliance between the female tributes of District Four and Five."


After the Capitol got word of The Black Dahlia's sister allying herself with Cove Cresta's sister, the Games became even more hotly anticipated. Everyone was expecting great things. After all, The Black Dahlia was responsible for the deaths of every Career in her games. Lavender and Annie felt the pressure weighing down on their shoulders, especially when the glares from the other tributes started to be aimed at them. But Finnick and Dahlia did everything they could to shield and prepare them.

The pairing wasn't as strong as the two girls in the 66th Games had been, but the mentors didn't exactly have the luxury of time on their side. Annie had a kind heart and gentle nature, traits that did not have much use in the arena. Lavender, on the other hand, looked more menacing and fierce like her sister had been. However, she was young and inexperienced, sheltered from the true harshness of the Games and lacking the strong will that made Dahlia so formidable.

The Red Dahlias. That's what they called the alliance. For the vibrancy of Annie's hair combined with the darkness of the Black Dahlia's blood. However this painted a big red target on the girls' backs. They were the favourites to win but also the favourites to lose. How were two children meant to survive when everyone was rooting for them to die?

"You look beautiful, Lav." Dahlia reassures her sister, smoothing out the red material of her dress as they wait backstage for her interview with Caesar. "Just remember what we talked about. Vague answers, polite smiles. Give them just enough but leave them wanting more."

"Okay." Lavender nods in determination, breathing deeply in an attempt to calm her nerves.

"I'll be waiting for you on the other side." Dahlia murmurs softly, sending the girl one last smile before Lavender is ushered away to the stage. True to her word, Dahlia waited backstage so her sister would have someone there to greet her. But she wasn't expecting to find another girl there waiting for Lavender. "Annie?"

The redhead quickly turned to face the woman with a flushed face, worried that she had been caught. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to wait for Lavender."

"It's alright." Dahlia laughs lightly to try and soothe the girl's nerves. "You're not in any trouble. I'm here for the same thing."

A sigh of relief escapes the redhead's lips along with a warm smile. "It's nice to officially meet you. Finnick's told me so much, I feel like I know you already."

"Whatever that boy's told you, I swear it's not as bad as it sounds." Dahlia rushes out, eyes blown wide in alarm at what Finnick might've said.

Annie just chuckles at the Victor's panic and replies, "He never says anything bad about you. You're perfect in his eyes."

"I can assure you, I'm far from perfect." Dahlia mumbles, choosing to ignore her burning cheeks and accelerated heartbeat.

"Not to him." Annie confesses softly with a knowing glint in her eye. Even a blind person could see the attachment between the two Victors and there'd been rumours for years of a relationship between them. But in such dangerous and uncertain times, it's difficult to open your heart and let someone get too close. And with Snow controlling their every move, they're just pawns in a much bigger game.

Dahlia is only pulled out of her moment of reflection by Lavender's appearance backstage. "Annie!" She exclaims in shock, not expecting to see her ally waiting for her.

"Hey, Lav." Annie greets the girl happily, embracing her in a welcoming hug. "Great performance out there."

"You too!" Lavender returns as they pull away from the hug. "I need to get out of these heels though. They are killing my feet."

"Same." Annie groans, laughing freely with Lavender as they kick their heels away. With a collective breath of relief, the two girls breeze past Dahlia without a care in the world, heels dangling precariously from their fingers. "I never love heels more than when I get to take them off."

Dahlia watches them go with the unmistakeable feeling that she's watched this happen before. More than watched, she lived it. It's as if her and Cove have been reborn in their sisters. Or like she's been transported back to her own games and being forced to relive the trauma all over again. She knows how this will end, tears and heartbreak, yet she's powerless to control it.

What a curse it is to see the future and know there's nothing she can do to stop it becoming true.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now