Episode - 13 : In Search of Mochi

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Yn's heart raced with anxiety as she realized Mochi was nowhere to be found. She frantically scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of him darting away. Thoughts raced through her mind as she considered different possibilities.

Tears welled up in Yn's eyes as she thought about the possibility of losing Mochi. She had promised to protect him, to keep him safe, and now she felt like she had failed him. Determination surged within her, propelling her to take action.

Quickly regaining her composure, Yn made up her mind. She would find Mochi, no matter what it took.

Suddenly, her eyes caught sight of faint cat footprints, unmistakably belonging to Mochi. With a surge of determination, She made up her mind to follow the footprints, hoping they would take her to where Mochi is currently.

Taehyung's POV

I could hear my father's footsteps approaching, which made me adopt a harsh tone with her, urging her to leave. I didn't want my father to suspect that I knew where Jimin was. But as she departed, my father appeared before me with a malicious smirk. That smirk, the one I despised the most, always foretold something sinister.

"My dear son, whom were you talking to just now?" he inquired, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"D-Dad, I was just talking to a girl. She wanted to meet me, nothing more," I stammered, deliberately avoiding his gaze and looking down.

"If that's all it was, then fine. But do you want to hear some good news?" he asked, his smirk widening.

Unable to look away, I nodded hesitantly, my eyes widening as I braced myself for what he would say next.

"I've managed to capture your so-called cat, and I'm going to meet him now. Care to join me?" he suggested, relishing in his power.

Tears welled up in my eyes at the thought of his cruel plan. I knew this time would be even more merciless than before, but this time, I couldn't let it happen......Not again.

I stared directly into his eyes, mustering up every ounce of pleading in my voice

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I stared directly into his eyes, mustering up every ounce of pleading in my voice. "I can't let him suffer any longer. I won't let you harm him. Please, I beg you, Dad, let him go."

He chuckled dismissively, his tone dripping with arrogance. "Oh, my son, you've grown some nerve. I appreciate that, but don't forget, I am not just your father. I am also the most merciless mafia who always gets what he wants. And this time will be no different. No one can stop me."

With those chilling words, he turned and left, leaving me sprawled on the ground, shattered and weeping. Taehyung knew better than anyone the true nature of his father, a man who had even killed his own family for personal gain.

On the other side

Yn ran frantically, following the faint footsteps of Mochi. Her heart sank when she heard the painful meow of a cat, a voice she would recognize anywhere. It was Mochi.

She sprinted towards the sound, but her vision blurred with tears as she came face-to-face with the devastating sight of Mochi in someone else's grip. Overwhelmed with emotion, she couldn't fully comprehend the scene unfolding before her. Her teary eyes obscured her view.

To be continued.......

MY MAGICAL CATOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora