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I have no idea whats the name of the Male Human 18 yr old so ill stick with this Your name in short (Y/n), First name (F/n), Last name (L/n), Middle name (M/n).

Human world

Waking up early in bed makes him want to sleep more and not do anything. But today, he needs to buy some food supplies from the store since he's already out of stuff. He cleans himself up and changes his clothes. Moving alone in Australia isn't that bad. People are nice and going about their daily routines. However, he's still not fully accustomed to it.

"Morning," the neighbor said, waving at him as he walked to the door.

"Good morning to you too," he responded, waving back. The good thing is he has made friends with the neighbors, so there's no reason to feel shy or embarrassed around them.

Walking along the sidewalk of the street with the cool morning breeze gives him a relaxing and calming feeling. "What a nice day," he said to himself, letting all his problems fade away. After all, it's been months. He reached his destination, the local store. It's not that far, just a short walk away. As he entered the store, the owner greeted him, saying, "Morning, you're up early," while reading the newspaper.

"Morning! Well, it needs to be done," he responded cheerfully. He purchased the items he needed. After this, he plans to go home and work on his coding and programming. As he walked out of the store, he encountered three individuals who love to cause havoc in the neighborhood.

They're his "friends," or rather, fake friends. They use him for their mischievous activities and leave him behind afterward. Jose, Mark, and Larry. He's been trying to distance himself from them because he doesn't want to cause any trouble in the neighborhood. But when they saw him, Jose approached and said, "Can you join us at the Creek? We're going to explore."

He shook his head, refusing their invitation. But suddenly, Jose responded with annoyance, "Are you sure?" Mark and Larry were standing behind, blocking his escape. He had no choice but to follow them. "What about the stuff I'm holding?" he asked, trying to create an excuse to potentially get away. Jose snatched it from him, saying, "I'll hold it for you. So, are you going to come?" with a sinister grin on his face. "I spoke too soon," he muttered to himself in a low voice while reluctantly following them.

"It's been so long since you've been outside much," Mark remarked as they walked through the park.

"Well, I just found a job online and got a little busy, you know," he responded to him.

"Without us?" Larry angrily interrupted, saying, "You don't even know how to code."

"I've never been to the creek," he replied, walking along a grassy path. They claimed they were close, but all he saw was a broken bridge with a strong flowing river underneath. "Too bad we can't go to the creek," he nervously remarked. Suddenly, he felt something poking his back. He turned to look at them, and they were holding sharp sticks, smiling ominously. "Let's... play... sacrifice. What do you think?" Jose said in a chilling voice, holding a sharp stick in front of him while he backed away.

"Look, I don't think this is a good idea," he said in a worried voice.

"Isn't it fun, you dummy?" Larry sneered, pointing at him as they got closer. He backed away, feeling scared and helpless. With nowhere left to go, he stood his ground, closing his eyes, unprepared for what would happen next. He felt the full force of his body falling into the river, hitting rocks along the way, losing all his senses.

"Good luck going home!" Jose shouted as his consciousness faded.





When he regained consciousness, he found himself in the creek with bruises covering his body and dirt clinging to his clothes. The impact of the fall had left its mark, and he struggled to sit up, feeling disoriented and sore.

As he took in his surroundings, he realized that he was alone. Jose, Mark, and Larry were nowhere to be seen. It seemed they had vanished after pushing him into the river. Anger and frustration welled up inside him as he processed their betrayal. How could they have done this to him?

Until he heard someone calling out, "Dad, we're almost there! Race you to the creek!"

Human in Different World (A Bluey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now