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The next day, (Y/n) finally mustered the courage to introduce himself to Bandit and Chilli, while Bluey and Bingo played nearby. Nervously, (Y/n) began, "Um, excuse me. My name is (Y/n), and I want to apologize for any trouble I may have caused. I honestly have no idea how I ended up here."

Bandit smiled reassuringly, his voice filled with kindness. "No harm done, mate. We're just glad to see you're okay."

(Y/n) continued, still feeling a bit uneasy in the presence of a standing and walking dog. "Is this still Australia?" he asked, seeking confirmation from Bandit and Chilli.

Chilli nodded, offering her reassurance. "Yes, it is. But if you don't live here, where do you come from? We're a bit curious, if you don't mind sharing."

(Y/n) sighed, feeling the weight of his situation. "I'm human, actually. We're kind of like monkeys, but with less fur on our bodies, except for our hair and certain parts."

Bandit and Chilli exchanged surprised glances, processing this new information. "Well, that's certainly different," Bandit responded with a chuckle. "Don't worry, (Y/n), we're here to support you and help you find your way."

(Y/n) nodded appreciatively, grateful for their understanding. "Thank you for being so understanding. I'm still trying to make sense of everything, but I'm glad to have found such kind-hearted beings like yourselves."

Chilli smiled warmly. "Take your time, (Y/n). We're not in a hurry. When you're ready, feel free to share more about yourself and your world. We're here to listen and learn."

Feeling a sense of relief and acceptance, (Y/n) knew that he had found a supportive community in the Heeler family. He was grateful for their open-mindedness and hoped that, with time, he could find his place in this unique world.

As (Y/n) continued to share about his human world, Bluey and Bingo couldn't help but be captivated by his words. They paused their play and sat down, their eyes filled with curiosity and awe. (Y/n) took a deep breath and continued explaining, trying to find the right words to convey the uniqueness of his city world.

"In my world, we humans also live in cities," (Y/n) began, looking at the Heeler family with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. "Just like your world, we have tall buildings, busy streets, and all sorts of places to explore and discover. But our cities are different from yours. They have their own distinct characteristics and cultures."

Bluey's ears perked up, and she asked, "Do you have parks and playgrounds like ours?"

(Y/n) nodded with a smile. "Yes, we do have parks and playgrounds where children can play and have fun. We also have schools, libraries, museums, and many other places where people gather and engage in different activities. It's a vibrant and bustling environment, just like your world."

Bingo's tail wagged excitedly as she asked, "Are there adventures in your city world too?"

(Y/n) chuckled and nodded. "Absolutely! While our adventures may not involve the same kind of outdoor exploration like yours, we have our own exciting experiences. We visit new places, try new activities, and meet different people from all walks of life. Every day can be an adventure in its own way."

Bandit and Chilli listened intently, fascinated by (Y/n)'s description of his city world. Bandit couldn't help but be curious about the differences bet ween their dog city and (Y/n)'s human city. 

"Do you have talking animals in your world too?" Bandit asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

(Y/n) shook his head. "No, in my world, animals don't talk like you do. But we still have a deep appreciation for animals and nature. We have pets that bring us joy and companionship, like dogs and cats."

Chilli nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding. "It's fascinating to hear about your world, (Y/n). We're grateful that you're sharing this with us."

(Y/n) expressed his gratitude for their interest, feeling a sense of connection with the Heeler family. However, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of longing for his own world. He leaned in closer to Bandit and Chilli and whispered, "Can we keep this conversation private for now? I'm still trying to adjust to this new world, and I don't want to feel sad or burden Bluey and Bingo what happend to me"

Bandit and Chilli exchanged understanding glances and nodded in agreement. "Of course, (Y/n)," Bandit replied softly. "Take your time, and when you're ready, we'll be here to listen and support you."

Bluey and Bingo, sensing the change in the atmosphere, looked at (Y/n) with empathy in their eyes. They understood that (Y/n) was going through something important and respected his need for privacy. They approached him gently, their tails wagging in reassurance. Without saying a word, they conveyed their understanding and support, promising to be there for him whenever he was ready to share.

(Y/n) felt a sense of comfort and acceptance as he looked at the compassionate faces of the Heeler family. He knew that he had found a place where he could navigate this new world and find his own path, with the support of his new friends by his side.

Human in Different World (A Bluey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now