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Bingo was in the creek with Bluey, questioning her sister about why they were there. Bluey couldn't respond and they both noticed (Y/n) about to leave their world and return to his human world. "(Y/n), why do you have to go?" (Y/n) apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I really have to." He started walking towards the light. Bingo didn't know what to say, but she waved goodbye to (Y/n), tears streaming down her face.

Then, Bingo slowly woke up, realizing it was just a dream. She saw her sister Bluey still peacefully asleep on the other side of the bed. Bingo got out of her bed and quietly went to check on (Y/n) to see if he was still there. As she slowly opened the door, she found (Y/n) sleeping. She approached him and gently tugged on the blanket, calling his name in a soft voice. (Y/n) slowly woke up, his vision blurry at first, until he saw Bingo by his side.

"What... yawn Oh, Bingo. It's late at night. Do you need some water?" (Y/n) responded to Bingo in a sleepy voice, but he noticed that she seemed down and sad. "Is something wrong?" (Y/n) asked, concerned. Bingo shook her head. (Y/n) became even more worried. "Would you like to stay here for the night?" (Y/n) offered. Bingo climbed onto the bed and stayed by (Y/n)'s side, curling up under the covers.

"I won't force you to tell me, Bingo. Just know that you can talk to me anytime," (Y/n) reassured her, gently patting her head. Bingo hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go. "I... uhhh... okay," (Y/n) responded quietly to himself while continuing to pat Bingo's head until she drifted off to sleep.





In the morning, Chilli entered the kids' room to check if Bluey and Bingo were still asleep. She only saw Bluey and went to (Y/n)'s room to see if Bingo was there. "(Y/n), have you seen Bingo-" Chilli started to say, but she stopped upon entering the room and seeing Bingo still asleep. "She's still asleep," (Y/n) whispered, trying not to wake up Bingo. Chilli responded in a low voice, "Feel free to go to the dining room. I'll prepare some breakfast." Chilli understood and left the two in the room. (Y/n) patiently waited for Bingo to wake up, not wanting to disturb the sleeping pup, and chuckled to himself.

Then Bingo woke up, and (Y/n) greeted her with a teasing remark, saying, "Morning, sleepy head." Bingo giggled a little and (Y/n) asked her, "Are you good?" Bingo replied, "Yes, I'm okay," while trying to hide her emotions. Suddenly, Bluey burst into the room and jumped onto the bed, hugging (Y/n). "You're not going anywhere, are you, (Y/n)?" Bluey pleaded. Confused, (Y/n) responded, "What do you mean? Going where?" The kids saw that (Y/n) was confused too. "It's not real," Bluey explained, realizing that (Y/n) was never gone.

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