Hot Summer Day!

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It was another scorching day for the Heeler family. The sweltering heat made the living room an uncomfortable place to be. Bandit, lying on the couch, remarked, "This is the hottest day."Chilli, who was also feeling the heat, nodded and replied, "Couldn't agree more."

Bandit attempted to move his body, but the stifling heat made it difficult, and he ended up flopping onto the floor, sweating profusely. Despite the hot weather, their daughters Bluey and Bingo continued playing energetically. Bluey suggested, "We need water," as she playfully collapsed nearby.

Bingo, with a pleading tone and playful antics, chimed in, "Cold dessert, anything, please!"Then (Y/n) arrived, the only human in their world and a beloved member of the Heeler family. Seeing the kids, Bluey and Bingo, lying on the floor, (Y/n) felt concerned and rushed to their side. "Are you two okay there?" (Y/n) asked, playfully poking them, which elicited giggles from the children. "Phew, I thought you two were fried," (Y/n) chuckled as he got up.

Looking over at the parents, Chilli and Bandit, who were struggling with the intense heat, (Y/n) sympathized with them. "It's surely hot. I can make you guys some cold dessert," (Y/n) suggested. The family looked at (Y/n) with sparkling eyes and eagerly said, "Yes, please!"

(Y/n) replied, "Give me a minute," as he walked to the kitchen, eyeing the fridge. "Let's see, what dessert can I make the fastest? Ah-ha!" he thought to himself, getting an idea. He decided to prepare smoothies for the family and himself.

(Y/n) skillfully gathered the necessary ingredients and began blending them together to create refreshing smoothies. Once the delicious cold treats were ready, he carried the tray back to the living room where the Heeler family eagerly awaited. Handing out the smoothies, he said, "Here you go, guys. Enjoy!" Everyone happily sipped on their cool beverages, finding relief from the scorching heat in the sweet and refreshing smoothies.

After enjoying the rejuvenating smoothies, the Heelers regained their energy and felt back to their lively selves again. They expressed their gratitude to (Y/n) for making such a delightful dessert.

(Y/n) humbly replied, "No problem, I'm always happy to help you guys." He smiled warmly at the family, knowing that he could always count on their love and appreciation, just as they knew they could always count on him.

Bluey curiously asked, "(Y/n), how can you stay in the heat?"

(Y/n) chuckled and replied, "Well, I'm a human, and unlike you guys with all that fur, I have less fur, and today, I'm wearing a t-shirt. So, I try to avoid getting too sweaty."

Human in Different World (A Bluey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now