Double Trouble

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Chilli and Bandit were gearing up for a day of full-time work. Chilli voiced her concern to (Y/n), asking if he felt confident about handling the kids on his own. She tossed out the idea of inviting Frisky and Radley over to lend a helping hand.

Overhearing their talk, Bluey and Bingo paused their game, ears perking up with excitement. "Uncle Radley's coming!" Bingo exclaimed, with Bluey chiming in, "And Frisky too!" The idea of having their family friends around lit up their faces.

Bandit reassured (Y/n), saying, "No worries, mate. My brother Radley's chill, and you'll get along just fine." Bandit's confidence in the dynamic between (Y/n) and their guests was unwavering.(Y/n) responded with a grin, "Sounds good to me! The more, the merrier!" He embraced the thought of having Frisky and Radley join in, knowing it would add an extra layer of fun to the day.

As they eagerly awaited Frisky and Radley's arrival, (Y/n) quirked an eyebrow and asked Chilli and Bandit for some info about them.

Before Chilli and Bandit could chime in, Bluey jumped in, exclaiming, "Frisky's my fairy godmother!" Bingo, not to be outdone, added, "And Uncle Radley's super cool!" Bandit chuckled, giving Bluey and Bingo affectionate pats. "Yep, that's my brother for ya. They babysit these two rascals whenever they can." Bluey and Bingo giggled, clearly smitten by Frisky and Radley.

Chilli chimed in, elaborating, "Frisky's got this magical knack for turning any moment into an adventure. She's imaginative and brings an extra dose of joy to everything." Bandit nodded along, adding, "And Radley's the easygoing, fun-loving type. He's always up for a laugh and knows how to keep the kids entertained."

Just as the doorbell rang, Chilli swung open the door, revealing Frisky and Radley on the other side. "Frisky, Radley, right on time!" Chilli exclaimed, a grin spreading across her face.Frisky responded with a playful wink, saying, "Couldn't resist these two," as she glanced at Bluey and Bingo, who were sprinting toward them with pure excitement.

"Frisky! Uncle Rad!" Bluey and Bingo cheered, enveloping Frisky and Radley in tight hugs. The genuine warmth and fondness in their embrace showcased the deep connection they shared.The Heelers watched with content smiles, delighted to see their children's unbridled joy.

Witnessing the reunion between Frisky, Radley, and the Heeler family was truly heartwarming."These kiddos are as lively as ever," Radley remarked playfully, lifting up Bluey and Bingo, setting off a chorus of giggles. Curious about the unfamiliar face, Frisky asked Chilli and Bandit, "By the way, who's (Y/n)?" As Chilli and Bandit stepped aside, Frisky and Radley's curiosity grew as they took in (Y/n), the lone human in their canine world.

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