First Game

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(Y/n) slowly opened his eyes, feeling the intense gaze from Bluey and Bingo. he couldn't resist the opportunity for some comedic mischief and decided to play along, pretending to be fast asleep.

"Hey! We know you're awake," Bluey exclaimed, tugging at (Y/n)'s arm with all her might. "Yeah, come on, (Y/n)! Let's play!" Bingo joined in, wagging their tail excitedly.

(Y/n) remained motionless, keeping up the charade. Just as the anticipation reached its peak, a voice interrupted the scene. It was Bandit, dramatically bursting into the room, wearing a ridiculous oversized hat and waving a feather duster. "Fear not! The legendary sleep disturbance expert has arrived!" he declared, striking an exaggerated pose. 

Bluey and Bingo erupted into laughter, unable to contain their amusement at their dad's silly antics. (Y/n) couldn't help but crack a smile, breaking his "sleeping" act. "Alright, you got me," (Y/n) admitted, unable to hold back the laughter any longer. "Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into together!"

The room filled with laughter and playful banter as Bandit, Bluey, Bingo, and (Y/n) embarked on an adventure filled with comedy and joy. The stage was set for a memorable day, filled with laughter, pranks, and cherished moments of togetherness.

Chilli, downstairs in the kitchen, couldn't help but hear the sound of laughter emanating from upstairs. The contagious joy reached her ears, bringing a wide smile to her face. With a sense of contentment, she put the finishing touches on the lunch preparations and carefully arranged everything in the dining room.

"Lunch is ready!" Chilli shouted, her voice filled with excitement and anticipation. The aroma of delicious food filled the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and playfulness. She eagerly awaited the gathering of her family around the table, ready to share in the warmth of their company and the scrumptious meal she had prepared.

The joyful atmosphere in the house continued to build as the echoes of Chilli's announcement traveled through the hallways. Everyone would soon gather together, ready to enjoy not only the delectable lunch but also the precious moments of laughter, love, and connection that awaited them around the dining table.

Chilli watched with amusement as the four of them descended the stairs and entered the dining room. Her eyes widened as she noticed the silly paint adorning both (Y/n) and Bandit's faces, clearly the work of Bluey and Bingo. She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight."This is the first lunch with you guys, and I've got silly paint on my face," (Y/n) remarked, their voice filled with light-heartedness.

Bandit joined in, grinning widely. "I couldn't agree more. It's definitely a unique way to enjoy a meal together," he replied, his own face adorned with colorful smudges.Laughter filled the room as they took their seats at the table, their painted faces serving as a reminder of the joyful and playful spirit that embraced their family. Chilli couldn't have been happier, surrounded by her loved ones, enjoying a meal filled with laughter, love, and a touch of delightful silliness.

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