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It was (Y/n)'s last day in the hospital, and thoughts raced through his mind about where he would go next. He knew he didn't belong in this world; he was different, and that might cause problems if he ventured out into public places. Lost in his thoughts, he was interrupted by Bluey, who curiously asked where he planned to go.

(Y/n) hesitated for a moment, his uncertainty evident in his voice as he replied, "I'm not sure, Bluey. I don't really know this city, and I'm worried about causing any trouble or problems for everyone."

Before he could think of a solution, Bingo's sweet voice chimed in, her eyes sparkling with innocence and hope. "You can stay with us, (Y/n)! We have a cozy home, and we can show you all the cool places in our city. It'll be so much fun!"

Bluey, eager to convince (Y/n) as well, joined in with a bright smile. "Yeah, we want you to be a part of our family. We'll have the best adventures together!"

(Y/n) looked at Bandit and Chilli, hoping for their guidance and support. Bandit and Chilli exchanged a warm glance, their parental instincts kicking in. Bandit nodded, his voice filled with reassurance, "We think it's a wonderful idea, mate. You're welcome to stay with us. We'll make sure you feel right at home."

Chilli added, her voice full of kindness, "Absolutely, (Y/n). We'll take care of you and help you navigate our city. You don't have to worry about anything."

Feeling a sense of relief and gratitude, (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at the Heeler family. "Thank you all so much. Your kindness means the world to me. I'm really excited to be a part of your city world and create amazing memories together."

With their approval and warm welcome, (Y/n) felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He knew he had found a place where he could belong, a family that accepted him despite his differences. 

The Heeler family bid their farewell to (Y/n), assuring him that they would pick him up the following morning to avoid drawing too much attention. Bandit patted (Y/n) on the back, offering some words of encouragement.

"Rest up tonight, (Y/n). Tomorrow is a new day, and we'll make sure you settle into our home comfortably. We'll be there bright and early to pick you up."

Chilli smiled warmly, her voice filled with anticipation. "We can't wait to have you with us, (Y/n). Get a good night's sleep, and we'll see you soon."

Bluey and Bingo hugged (Y/n) tightly, their excitement contagious. "Bye, (Y/n)! Sleep well and dream of all the fun we'll have!"

(Y/n) returned their embraces, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging wash over him. "Goodbye, everyone. Thank you for everything. I'll see you tomorrow."

With those heartfelt goodbyes, (Y/n) watched as the Heeler family left the hospital room, leaving him with a mixture of gratitude, excitement, and a touch of nervousness. As he lay in bed that night, he couldn't help but imagine the adventures that awaited him with his newfound family.

The next day, as (Y/n) stood outside the hospital, Bandit explained why he was the only one there to pick him up. "I drove the girls to school this morning, and Chilli is busy preparing your room," he said, trying to ease (Y/n)'s worries.

Bandit handed (Y/n) some new clothes, mentioning that they might be a bit small since their bodies were larger. (Y/n) took the clothes and tried them on, relieved to find that they fit perfectly. "Thank you," (Y/n) replied, grateful for Bandit's thoughtfulness.

As they walked towards the car, The Heeler Four Wheel Drive, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel nervous as he noticed other dogs watching him. The unfamiliar eyes made him self-conscious, causing his anxiety to grow.

Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) climbed into the car beside Bandit, who started the engine. The sound of the revving engine filled the air, adding to the anticipation. Bandit glanced at (Y/n) and noticed his nervousness.

"Don't worry, mate," Bandit reassured him, his voice soothing. "It's natural to feel a bit nervous in new surroundings. Just remember, we're here for you, and you're part of our family now."Feeling a sense of comfort from Bandit's words, (Y/n) nodded, trying to steady his nerves. He looked out the window as the car began to move, his eyes scanning the passing dogs and scenery.

The journey to their new home was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. (Y/n) knew that stepping into this new chapter of his life would come with challenges, but he also had hope that it would bring joy and belonging.

As the car drove on, (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. The nervousness still lingered, but deep down, he knew he was surrounded by a loving and supportive family who would be there every step of the way.

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