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As the morning sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, (Y/n) found himself awake earlier than usual. With the house still quiet and the kids fast asleep, he decided to make good use of the peaceful time.

He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom, feeling the need to freshen up and start the day on a clean slate. (Y/n) splashed water on his face, letting the coolness wake him up fully. He ran a comb through his hair and brushed his teeth, feeling a sense of cleanliness and readiness for the day ahead.

But as he moved through the house, he couldn't help but notice the slight untidiness left from the previous day's gathering. Dishes were left on the kitchen counter, toys were scattered across the living room, and there were a few spills that needed attention.

Feeling a sense of responsibility, (Y/n) decided to take matters into his own hands. He picked up the dishes and placed them in the sink, ready to be washed later. He tidied up the living room, gathering the toys and putting them back in their designated places. And with a cloth in hand, he cleaned up the spills and wiped down the surfaces, restoring the cleanliness to the house.

As he moved from room to room, (Y/n) couldn't help but remember how Chilli effortlessly handled these tasks during the previous day's event. He observed her efficiency and attention to detail, silently noting the cleaning techniques she used.

While going about his cleaning duties, (Y/n) also took the opportunity to make himself a cup of coffee. The aroma filled the air, awakening his senses and adding a touch of warmth to the morning.

With each task he completed, (Y/n) felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. The house began to regain its neat and organized state, and he knew that his efforts would be appreciated by Chilli and Bandit when they woke up.

As he sat down with his cup of coffee, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. The quiet morning had allowed him to contribute to the household in a meaningful way, and he had learned a valuable skill along the way.

With the house now clean and a cup of coffee in hand, (Y/n) took a moment to appreciate the stillness of the morning. He knew that once the kids woke up, the house would come alive with their laughter and energy. But for now, he cherished the tranquility and the sense of accomplishment that came with starting the day on a clean and organized note.

Feeling a renewed sense of purpose, (Y/n) looked forward to the day ahead, ready to embrace whatever adventures and opportunities awaited him. And as he took the first sip of his morning coffee, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the quiet moments and the chance to contribute to the happiness of the household.

As Chilli entered the bathroom and freshened up, she couldn't help but notice (Y/n) diligently cleaning around the house. She chuckled softly at Bandit's snoring, finding it amusing that he was still sound asleep.

Human in Different World (A Bluey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now