Chapter 23

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"I heard she uses amortentia as perfume. That's why everyone's so obsessed with her." A student whispered quietly.

"Wait, but wouldn't that mean that she would be ingesting it herself? How would that work?"

"Hm maybe you're right."

Anxiously Sebastian tapped his pencil against the desk below him. Hearing the others preposterous words involving you angered him. Why had they all pretended like they knew anything about you? If only they all saw how idiotic it made them look.

As the class was dismissed Sebastian shot up from his seat. Moving faster than everyone around him he zigzagged his way into the hall. It's been two days since he last saw you. Something in him feared you were avoiding him. Did you regret what you two did?

No matter where he looked you were not there. Not the common room, the great hall, not even your own room of requirement. Occasionally he would check the undercroft, but he feared meeting Ominis there. More so, he feared finding you in there with him. Could he have something to do with all of this?

Hastily he entered the common room. His eyes scan his surroundings for you. Of course you were not there. Even though he expected as much it still hurt him to see your absence. He felt himself anxiously pick at his fingernails. Just like you used to do. Everything reminded him of you.

"Afraid you've been replaced?" Imeldas mocking voice called from beside him. Sebastian jumped slightly as she ripped him away from his worries.

"What the hell are you on about?" Sebastian snarled in disgust at her unwelcomed presence.

"Oh, you know. Your little girlfriend." She taunts with a smile "Afraid she's replaced you finally?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sebastian denied.

"Seriously? You're going to play dumb?" Imelda laughs "Come on Sebastian, you know better than that."

"What do you mean replace me? Why do you say that?" He finally gives up the denial only encouraging Imelda more.

"Oh, so you admit it?" She questioned amused "You've been wandering around like a lost puppy looking for her for days now."

"What do you mean 'replace' me, Imelda?" Sebastian repeats with stern anger. Imelda raises her hands up in a mocking gesture.

"Whoa, cool it Sallow." She chuckles "Calm down I'm sure you're still her number one."

"Do you know where she is?" Sebastian asks desperately with upturned brows.

"Right now? No. But, she did cause me some trouble earlier." Imelda says crossing her arms. Her expression turned from amused to annoyed "I challenged her to a race on the broom just a bit ago. Somehow the little princess beat my time. I'm not sure. I guess she just has to be little miss perfect at everything."

"Did she say where she was going?" Imelda looked at him confused.

"Did I not just tell you I don't know where she is?" She repeats "Well actually, She did fly off in the direction of Hogsmeade, but that's all-"

Before the words left her lips Sebastian whipped around and ran up the stairs. Imelda stood in stunned silence at his actions. After blinking a few times and regaining her composure she looks around to the students who also observed the scene.

"You'd think he'd at least try and act cool about it?" Everyone shrugged in unison unable to articulate their confusion.

The first place he had to check was the Three Broomsticks, but you were no where in sight. No, of course you wouldn't be there. It's too obvious. He stood for a moment catching his breath. The grip around his broomstick lessened as his chest sunk in.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now