Chapter 16

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A stunned silence befell the room. You hadn't bothered to look up at his face when his breath got caught in his throat. You knew all too well what reaction you would garner when you decided to tell him the truth. In your mind it was best to allow him to process what you've just said instead of backtracking or trying to explain.

Sweat built up on his forehead. He stammered to find his words. It must have been years since he was left truly speechless, but you had just done it to him. He couldn't even begin to understand or know where to start. When he noticed you looking slightly off to the distance and offering him no other words he cleared is throat and bowed his head down. Finally ready to speak.

"They brought you back to life?" Professor Fig repeats back while trying to maintain his composure. A million spells and even curses ran through his mind as he tried to remember anything in all his years that could explain this. He even doubted you were telling him the truth for a moment, but that thought quickly left him as he studied your serious demeanor. He knew that even lying about something like this could bring your family great shame and judgment. Something a pure blood family would never dream of, even yours.

"Yes." You state simply as of you had said it a million times before. Truthfully you had, just not in the presence of others. The first few weeks after the event you had sat in front of  your bedroom mirror and gazed at yourself. You hadn't even recognized who looked back at you. All you could do was repeat the phrase over and over hoping you would be able to accept it.

"Who all knows this?" Professor Fig interrogates. Since you had come to Hogwarts you and him had shared a few secrets with each other. Things both of you knew wouldn't tell the outside world in fear of their reactions. He had to know who else was in on the secret this time.

"Sebastian and Ominis. As well as Sebastian's uncle and his sister." You inform him. He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Far too many people to keep this a secret, y/n." He asserted "I fear what would happen if the ministry knew of this."

"What would they do? Kill me?" A sarcastic laugh left your lip "Do you not fear them knowing my ancient magic as well?"

"They would and I do." He states confidently. The words hadn't surprised you but his demeanor had. Usually Fig was soft with you, as if he felt bad for you. Now, he seemed more concerned than ever. "Your family had a history of starting wars and trying to rule the wizarding world. Their great powers had devastating consequences. Even if that was long ago the ministry still fears your fathers bloodline. If they knew of your ancient magical abilities and resurrection I couldn't see a future where you still live."

"I suppose my musical career wouldn't save me from that." You could tell your jokes were upsetting the older man. You recognized humor was not everyones coping mechanism. A sigh left your lips as you continued "I'm sorry to put the weight of this information on to you."

"I am glad that you told me, but I have to ask you why you did so?" He wonders as he leans over his desk "you had to know that it was risky."

"I suppose I stopped caring about risks as of late." You answered.

"I could understand that considering the predicaments we have found ourselves in." He agrees. You fell silent before finally speaking once more.

"I must tell you that I have no desire to conquer anything." Your voice was meeker than it had been.

"I don't believe they would see it that way. Especially after the dragon incident. I heard the whispers around the ministry, even that event had people calling for your execution. The only thing that stopped them was the fear of your families retaliation." He informs "a fear that will only hold them back for so long."

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now