Chapter 2

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Practically all of Feldcroft heard it when Ann got the news. She screamed harder than she ever had before. Tears rolled down her face as she jumped up and down. When her last breath ran out she caught a new wind of air and began screaming again. Ominis covered his ears as Sebastian ran to her and tried to hold her down.

"Calm yourself!" He demands with a laugh. Though she couldn't jump anymore she could still scream in excitement.

"She's coming Sebastian! She's coming here! She's finally coming here!" She yelled between gasps and tears.

"I heard! We all did, but you have to calm down before you hurt yourself." Ann tried catching her breath as her bother begged for her to calm herself. He smiled at her happiness but a concerning questioned loomed over him "how will we afford it?" He asks hoping he didn't crush her dream. To his surprise Ann continues to smile.

"It's free! She does the shows for free when she comes to small towns!" She exclaimed with eyes full of tears and pure joy.

"Really?" Ominis said in disbelief "how does she afford this? I'm mean she's rich but that's so unlike wealthy people."

"I told you that you don't know her! She isn't doing this for money she does it because she loves it!" Ann replied with pride knowing she was right all along. "She wants everyone to see her shows, rich and poor."

"So she makes the rich pay for their tickets?" Sebastian wondered "maybe I do enjoy this girl." He laughs in disbelief.

"You'll all love her, I heard she is absolutely amazing live! Her voice is so beautiful." Ann said with her face clasped in her hands.

"She probably uses magic to enhance it." Ominis argues.

"She doesn't." Ann shot back sternly "she has preformed live before with an anti-magic bracelet on to prove people wrong when they have questioned her. She has talent, why do you both refuse to accept it?"

"Not refusal Ann, just caution." Ominis assured her "I know you love her, but other celebrities and lied in the past. She just seems all around too perfect. Beautiful, smart, talented, and kind? Seems all too good to be true."

"Sounds like you may be a fan as well." Sebastian teases earning a laugh from his sister.

"Ominis has a crush!" She added to the teasing. Ominis turned away with a slight pinkness to his cheeks.

-Road to Feldcroft-

Everyone in the carriage sang merrily to the new songs you were to preform shortly. Excitement flowed through your body as this was the first night you got to perform this album live, and all for a good cause. You held onto Ann's letter as you peered out to the fields of farms around you.

"Always looking so mysterious." Anissa cooed her usually description of you as she plopped down next to you. "You must really like grass and cows to be able to look at them for hours."

"I do like grass and cows." You laugh pushing on her shoulder softly. Anissa joins in and softly pushes you back. Both of your laughter fighting to be louder than the others.

"Are you sad he's not here?" She asks breaking her laughter and with a more serious tone. You suck in your lips and peer down to the carriage.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now