Chapter 15

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Maybe it was your fault all along. If only you hadn't been so reckless then you wouldn't be in the situation you were now. It brought you great shame to realize that all along you had been the catalyst to something that was bound to explode in a fiery ending. Something that would soon grow into an unmanageable situation if it hadn't already.

The stares turned from curiously to shock. People quickly turned away after seeing the move Sebastian pulled. You noticed their whispers and glances as you were lead down the hallways. You noticed Sebastian's sly smile. His grip tight on you hand. For some reason this was easier to him then simply confessing what you both knew to be true.

The walk to the great hall seemed longer than usual. You hadn't remembered it taking this long previously, though you knew it only seemed that way. You bow you'd head when Sebastian opens the large doors revealing the long tables full of food before you. The ground was much more inviting than the inevitable looks you were receiving from the crowd. Sebastian continued to parade you around until the first open seat at the slytherin table. He lifts your hand up and allows you to sit first and once you do he follows suit.

Bashfully you avert your eyes from him. He takes note of this. It had fascinated him to see you shy. A cocky smile grows on his face. He takes a look around at the spectators. They all looked away when his gaze landed on them. All except your brother. Who sat a few students away from the two of you. Sebastian was now the one to look away.

He looks down at you as you reach forwards and begin grabbing a few berries and an apple. He rolls his eyes at the sight "are you ever going to expend your pallet?" He teases.

"I happen to consider myself pretty versatile, thank you very much." You shoot back. Sebastian laughs as he reaches towards the mountain of pastries before him. Your brows raise as he grabs one of the large cupcakes and plops it on your plate.

"Eat it." He demands causing you to chuckle.

"Do you think I'm afraid of it or something?" You pounder while giving in an amusing look. His eyes beam at your playfulness causing you to soften your expression.

"Yes." He toys with a smile. You shake your head and lift the cupcake while unraveling it's parchment. With one movement you bring it to your mouth and take a large bite. Sebastian became intrigued while he watched you eat it and then turn to him with a wide victorious smile. To your surprise his hand reaches out and a finger touches the tip of your nose while his other fingers placed themselves on your cheek. A pink tint emerged over your skin as his finger swipes across your nose revealing a small dab of icing.

"I was saving that." You joke.

"My apologies. While it looked lovely on you I assumed you hadn't needed it." He laughs. Both of you smile for a moment as he gazes intently on your eyes. You knew all too well how this looked to everyone around you.

Even though Sebastian might not understand your reasonings for not wanting the rumors, you knew it was in his best interest to not have all the attention you get on him as well. Ever since that day when you burned the goblin hideout and the ashwinders came and defended them you knew someone was wrong. The ministry privately warned you afterward your trial of a supposed goblin uprising. After your antics that day you knew that the goblins and ashwinders couldn't be to fond of you. If you were on their radar it was best to not get anyone else involved. Maybe, one day you'd explain that to Sebastian.

Professor Fig has been a somewhat of a mentor for you after the day you made the decision to come to Hogwarts. He took great interest in your magical abilities. Everyone seemed too, but not to the extent that he had. He thought you were special beyond your families magical abilities. He thought there was more. Ancient magic he called it. And, the two of you now believe the goblins may have access to those rare abilities.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now