Chapter 14

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No words were exchanged when he enters the dimly lite room. They acknowledged each other briefly but neither could address each other vocally. The tension was thick. Both of them knowing how the other felt in the moment. Both unwilling to cut through it.

Ominis led himself to his bed. Sitting softly on the corner. His bag hung lose off his shoulder. Sebastian took note of a book that threatened to fall out with one hast movement. He looked at the worn leather spine. Knowing exactly what was inside of it. What he had been looking for in the restricted section tirelessly. Ominis had it in his possession. Would he give it up so easily even if you had wished for it?

"Sebastian." Ominis voices knowing the other boy wouldn't be the first to speak. He could feel his eyes glued in his direction. Burning through him. "Would you like to speak about it?" He offers. Sebastian scoffs.

"What would you like to speak about?" He plays dumb. Ominis sighs frustrated at his stubbornness.

"Don't do this."

"Do what?"

"Sebastian." Ominis begs for his maturity. Possibly in vain. What other option did he really have? The two had been friends for so long. Could they truly not speak of their own emotions with each other.

"Fine." Sebastian gives in knowing he would have to eventually "I'll let you begin." Both knew it more of a punishment than a offer. Ominis waits a moment.

"You were upset earlier." He points out the obvious "why?" Sebastian looks down at his hands. His foot was tapping the cold stone floor below him repeatedly. He was unable to contain his nervousness and frustration.

"Must we play this game?" Sebastian asks "why don't we be frank with one another?" Ominis nods in agreement.

"You want her." He states clearly. Sebastian's foot stops tapping.

"As do you." He says quietly. Ominis nods only upsetting Sebastian further. Even if he knew it already that still did not make it easier to be confirmed.

"Now that we've said it, what do we do?" Ominis wonders earning an annoyed glare from Sebastian.

"Do you think if I had an answer to that we'd be having this conversation right now?" He mocks as his brows furrow. Ominis puts his head down.

"So what, we continue to be petty with each other?" Ominis questions "that obviously upset her in the gardens."

"Ah, yes. The gardens." Sebastian spat "what a lovely idea, Ominis. How romantic." His mocking tone was getting under Ominis skin. Sebastian's frustration was solely being put on him. Even if he had felt it unwarranted.

"You've consistently taken her away and spoken with her in private. When we are all together it is always you two who are speaking. You've taken every opportunity possible to steal her attention." He reminds Sebastian as he finally stood up for himself "I go off alone with her once and you lose your mind."

"So we get along better than you do? What would you have me do about that?" Sebastian continues to egg him on.

"If I recall correctly you were the one who said you don't understand her life. You've called her privileged and spoiled. I understand her background far better than you ever could."

"All before I knew her. All before that night." Sebastian interjects.

"It takes her dying for you to have empathy towards her?" Sebastian slammed his hands down as the words left Ominis's mouth.

"Watch your mouth!" He warns angrily. Ominis does so not wanting to upset the boy further. This was getting them no where.

"What did you speak about after you both left the gardens?" Ominis asks the question that's been on his mind. His heart fluttered with anxiety fearing the answer he may receive "did you confess?"

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now