Chapter 19

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Of course it was in his nature to complicate things. The fiery passionate boy that he was. He always needed to know an answer to its fullest extent. It was something that you admired about him when you first met. His love for knowledge, similar to the love of knowledge his parents had. Now, it seemed his thirst to know it all was turned against you.

Was there truly a good answer? Anything you said would ultimately have someone upset with you. Either him or Ominis. It would be simpler to make him happy in this moment. You could prolong the enviable for a moment of peace. Or, you could confront it now and possibly tarnish any friendship you had with him.

Luckily- or unluckily, however you may view it, the answer never had a chance to leave your lips. A rustling in the corner had both you and Sebastian turning your heads with wide eyes. Your fear of being caught was realized in that moment. If only you could have predicted who it would be.

"y/n." Ominis muttered softly. Call it poetic justice. Or, his handy ability to sneak about without being noticed unless he wanted to. He possesses an unnatural ability to lurk around in the most unflattering moments.

The feeling of Sebastian holding you onto the table became more apparent. As if his touch burned through you all of a sudden. His hands on your back and his thighs between yours was much more noticeable to you with Ominis's appearance looming.

"Ominis." You call back with nervousness. Could he tell what you were doing? Your glance darts back over at Sebastian. His once shocked expression had turned into a devilish smirk. If Ominis hadn't noticed you were sure Sebastian was not going to keep it a secret.

"Hello, Ominis." Sebastian says excitedly "awfully good timing. How'd you know we were up here?"

"Elias." The boy answered simply. The hairs on the back of your neck stood at his response. You quickly push Sebastian back and leap off of the table.

"My brother?" You ask stunned. How had he known where you were?

"He received an owl from your parents. He said it was urgent." Ominis replies. Your expression grew more confused.

"Why did he send you?" You wondered as you took a few steps towards him. Sebastian followed closely behind you. Ominis shifted uncomfortably, you weren't sure if it was because of the news or because or what he walked in on.

"Because." Ominis begins before sighing "it involves my parents."

A breath lodged itself in the back of your throat. You knew this information couldn't have been good. Anything to do with the Gaunts was never good. That's how you and Ominis first bonded. Your shared hated his parents. If only your parents felt the same.

"Let's speak in the undercroft." Ominis suggests when you failed to respond "Elias is waiting there." Without another word Ominis apparated away leaving you and Sebastian in a stunned silence.

After a moment had passed you feel Sebastian place his hands in your hips. His chest pressed itself to your back as he leaned his head on top of yours. All your muscles tensed at his touch. The last thing you wanted was to be touched now. Not as you felt panic posses you.

"I fear I must go alone." You announce. This time it was Sebastian who tensed.

"No." He replied without explanation.

"Sebastian, I have to."

"Why?" His hands grasped you harder as he turned you to face him. His aggravated expression looked down at your small frame.

"Because, you don't want to be involved with whatever is going on."

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I don't want you to."

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now