Chapter 6

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It had happened so quickly that he had no time to process it. Soon the annoyance he got from hearing your name a million times a day turned into excitement when hearing you'd be coming back. Truthfully, you almost never announced it. One time he had came home and saw you weeding the garden outside his home. Unprompted and unannounced. His confused look turned into a smile when you looked up with glee.

Your face was filled with so much familiarity. As though he had known you for years. You spoke so effortlessly like you never had to think about your next sentence. At times it was hard to even relate to you even though you were the same age. It was like you had lived a thousand lifetimes. It was like you were perfect. Always so put together and confident. Something he had once thought he was. You made him realize that wasn't the truth.

He often got caught up with his words when speaking to you. Almost every sentence he spoke he regretted since he always felt like he said the wrong thing. But, you never judged him. You always kept the conversation moving like nothing had happened. You never made him feel bad about himself like most people in your position would.

The only thing that you did that bothered him was something you never intended. Sebastian realized that even though you were so accepting and never held yourself to a higher position to anyone else, there still was fundamental differences between you two. You had lived a life so foreign to him. Your life was that of the elites. Something Ominis knew much better than he ever would.

Sebastian could relate when you would speak of hunting and farming. Things most rich girls would never do. But, Ominis always seemed to steer the conversations to one's he knew best. Ominis would ask you about what other elite people you knew. You two would gossip and laugh about them. The both of you would share stories of your youth. Though, Ominis's past was tragic, he still had a privileged life compared to Sebastian. He still knew the etiquette and standards of the rich.

He wasn't sure if you realized it, but there were times that you slipped up. You may have been articulated with your words and manner of speaking. Almost as though you were reading a script. But, at times when they would ask you questions about your family it was hard for you to paint the picture of perfection. On the surface it seemed so good for you. Small cracks began to form in the portrait of your life the more he grew to know you. Something strange began to happen for Sebastian. He sometimes felt bad for you.

Always having to please. Always having to preform. Always having to be perfect. It took a toll on you. He would watch as you picked away at your fingernails. You fidgeted a lot. Sometimes your movements were jerky. Anxious even. If he hasn't spent so much time trying to read you he may not have noticed. It didn't seem like the rest of the world did.

The strangest part about you wasn't even you. It was the looming presence that was always around. Your brother. He was quiet and never seemed to give any signs of how he was feeling. Always cold and uncaring. But, when you spoke to him it was like you never noticed. Like it was normal. Elias was never made to be put in the spot light like you. He was the first born. A male. His privilege came with no price.

After a few weeks of speaking to you Sebastian began to understand that your privilege had stipulations. You had to prove yourself. From a very young age you had expectations placed upon you. What if you didn't meet those expectations? He wondered that a lot. What if you failed? What would be done to you?

"Just up there!" You squeal ripped Sebastian away from his thoughts. He looked up at where you pointed to see the large stone walls ahead. His eyes widened as he scanned the buildings that peaked over the large barrier. He listens as you describe the sight before you to Ominis so he knew too.

"It's much larger than I anticipated." Sebastian remarks. He had never seen buildings that large and tall. Even in Hogsmeade, the biggest town he had ever been to.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis Gauntحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن