Chapter 17

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He had never considered himself to be a particularly disingenuous person. In fact, Ominis considered himself to be rather up front and honest. Blunt and brash even. It was uncharacteristic of him to do what he had just done. Unfortunately, it seemed if he had not done it now he might have missed the opportunity to.

After years of friendship with Sebastian he had grown to know him better than anyone else. He knew the boy was full of angst and emotion. Good or bad Sebastian was passionate and desperate to get what he wants. Though, he had never seen him like this with a girl before, he could only assume this case would be no different. Ominis knew if he allowed himself to be passive Sebastian would take a lead. He couldn't allow that. Even if it meant the end of everything.

After feeling you lean into his kiss his heart fluttered. Had he finally done it? He pulled your body even closer as he grasped the back of your head. Unsure how what he was doing and hoping for the best he began to move his lips to deepen the kiss. To his relief you had done the same. You were more confident then him with your movements. More controlled and less sloppy. He knew this wasn't your first kiss like it was his.

To his dismay he felt your body pull from his. He tried to keep his lips attached to you as long as possible before yours moved to far for him to reach. He wish he could see your reaction right now. Were you happy? It had to have meant something for you to kiss him back.

It seemed he would not receive an answer to his thoughts tonight. Before he could even speak he heard your body twist around and turn away from him. He listens as your soft footsteps echoed around him until they reached further down the hallways and eventually disappeared. Once again, he was left unsure of where he stood.

The burning hot sensation on his lips hadn't faded by the time he reached the common room. He was sure his face was bright red and obvious. Truthfully he hadn't cared. Even if all of slytherin saw him like this he would wear it proudly, for he has accomplished what every boy in that house could only dream of.

As he took his first step on the spiral staircase he heard a familiar voice come from beneath him. Sebastian. Ominis hastily picked up his speed as he rushed down the stairs. He heard your voice grow quiet at the sound of him arriving. As soon as his foot landed at the bottom of the stairs even Sebastian fell silent.

You look back and forth between the two boys. Sebastian remained close to you as his head snapped and his eyes peered over angrily at Ominis. You watched as he turned back towards you with the same anger. Moments before he had been kind in asking you to speak with him. That had changed once he saw the full face blush on his best friend. He thought something was wrong when you had arrived back this late. It was only confirmed with the arrival of Ominis moments after you.

"What exactly is this?" He questioned sternly "funny timing that was."

"Sebastian I-"

"You what?" He interrupts as he looks down at you "what were you two just doing?" You look around anxiously to see if there was anyone else in the room. Sebastian let out a sarcastic laugh "is that what you're worried about right now?"

"Sebastian please." Ominis begs "not here, not now."

"Not now?" He asks bewildered "you're acting as if I'm the one causing a scene. You two just came in an hour after midnight looking flustered and guilty as ever."

"I can explain Sebastian but I wish to do so privately." You concur with Ominis. Sebastian places his hands in his hips and smiles.

"Privately?" He mocks "is that what you needed with him just a few minutes ago?"

You now return his angry glare. Who was he to question you like this? Where did he give the audacity and the nerve to treat you like a child that stayed up past their bedtime? If there was any hope in keeping all of your friendships alive Sebastian was on a mission to destroy it.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ