Chapter 1

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Sebastian sighs in annoyance as he walks in the front door to see Ann hanging yet another poster. She meticulously rearranged all the other ones she already hung on their shared wall in order to fit the newest addition. Her large smile never faded even as she turned as she heard the front door behind her close.

"Another one?" Sebastian groaned.

"She just released a new album, this is the cover" Ann smiled even wider. Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"I KNOW she released another album. You've played it endlessly the past couple weeks." He made his way towards their bunk beds with his hands in his hips. He gazed at the face the completely covered her bottom bunk wall.

"This is her best one yet. I can't believe someone our age has so much creativity and talent." Ann sung her praises that she always had to the famous girl. As though the whole world hasn't told her enough.

"She's a rich spoiled brat who has all the money in the world. Someone is probably writing the songs for her." Sebastian disagrees with his sister "though she brings you happiness so I put up with it. And, luckily she's not too hard on the eyes." He finally let out a small laugh.

"That's not true!" Ann disagrees "she writes all her own music. Do you remember the documentary we watched about her?"

Sebastian remembers clearly. The whole town sat and watched together as the famous singer sat on her bedroom floor and demonstrated all of her talents. At her young age she wrote all her lyrics, played all her instruments, and choreographed all her acts. It was impressive to see. Her passion seeped though her eyes and body language as she ran around her extremely large house and so humbly showed the world what her life was like.

Unlike most pure-blooded wizards she had an endless kindness and acceptance to her nature. Though, Sebastian was unconvinced of how genuine it all was. The girl had a habit of going to poorer villages and spoiling the towns people with food, money, and her very own presence. People fawned over every single thing the girl did. Including Ann. She had been obsessed for nearly three years now. After she had gotten cursed the obsession grew even larger. She sat in the house and listened to the songwriter music all day. Looking at the girls pictures and rewatching the documentary daily. She could never have enough.

"It's true the girl is unique for a rich pure blood" Ominis finally chimes in "but, since I know the majority of those kinds of people I wouldn't believe everything you see Ann." He warns with caution only offending Ann further.

"But, you've said yourself you don't know her. She's different ." Ann argues "most of the charities she does she doesn't even advertise. I only know about them because-"

"You stalk her." Sebastian laughs causing Ann to blush.

"Because I'm her biggest fan!" Ann finishes.

"That's enough." Solomon says in frustration "go outside Sebastian, let her listen to what she wants. No matter how annoying" With that Sebastian let's out one last laugh as he turns he's heels and walks out the door. Ominis following closely behind.


The carriage bounces furiously on the uneven terrain. The food in the back threatens to fall out at every rock the wheels turn over. The sound of laughter and joy echos over the horses hooves. You sat in the very back looking out at the grass green hills as they pass you.

"Y/N" your friend Anissa calls ripping you away from your silence. You then and look at her with a small grin.

"Anissa" you reply jokingly.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now