Chapter 10

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~TW: death~

"What has happened?" Demands Solomon in a booming voice. He charged towards Elias with confidence. Something no one who knew him better would ever do. Elias's face twisted to anger. Something that terrified you.

"What has happened?" He repeated back with venom "would you really like for the ones in your care to know?" Solomon stammered back slightly. Not expecting that reaction.

"Elias." You say breathlessly as your mothers cries grew closer. Your panicked voice was something no one in that room had heard before "what has happened." Elias's glare pointed to your helpless frame.

"We gave them a girl, y/n. And, Feldcroft returned us a body." He explains cryptically. In your heart you knew what he meant, but your mind would not let you process it yet. You shake your head as he continues "Anissa is dead."

"What?" Gasps Sebastian as his eyes land back on you. Your hand has encapsulated your heart. Your gaze found its way to the table as your eyes filled with tears. Sebastian saw as you sucked in your lips and closed your eyes causing tears to fall. Your head shaking back in forth repeatedly as if to deny what Elias had said.

"That can't be!" Argues Ann "I just saw her she was-"

"Goblins." Elias interrupts "kind of like what happened to you, but she was a lot less lucky."

"Watch yourself." Sebastian warns angrily as he took a step toward him. Elias gave him an emotionless stare. Before anyone had anytime to react your father pushed past Elias and entered the room hastily with your mother on his heel. Her face was red and covered in tears as she cried out.

"Please! Please don't!" She repeats over and over. Your father ignored him as his cold eyes look down at you as you wept. Your head still shaking in denial.

"What is the meaning of this!" Solomon yells "this is my house! Edwin you have the nerve to barge in like this?" Your father pays him no mind just like he had paid your mother no mind. His only focus was you.

"What have I told you before, child?" He demands in his low angry voice "all the days you whined and cried about your training. How tired and overworked you were! What have I always told you!" You were unable to answer as you wept. The wailing outside continued. You now knew who it was that was screaming "answer me!" He screams. His voice rattled everyone in the room.

"To protect me." You whimper softly. Sebastian looked at you with pity. Your family was not here to comfort you.

"Now, you will see why I did what I did!" He commands. Your mother begged him as she fell to her knees. Your eyes shot up in fear.

"Father, please." You cry as you back yourself to the wall behind you. Your father moves to the side and allows your security to enter the room. You look at the older men with fear.

"Come out now. You don't have a choice." Your father reminds you.

"What are you trying to do exactly?" Demands Solomon as his hand finds his wand.

"What our family has done for centuries." Elias answers for the older man "what I had to do. She knows." He motions to you.

Ominis hands shake as it hits him. Your family was just as bad as his. They hid behind the glamor of your fame. Your perfect image scrubbing their dark past from view. They rode on the idea of how accepting they were. How they didn't judge others like other pure-bloods had. But, they had their dark secrets as well.

"Aurelia." Solomon says softly. Looking at the distressed woman. She looked back up at him. They both knew she could do nothing to stop it.

"This will be the last time that I ask." Your father warns. "Get out there."

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now