Chapter 3

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She tried to hold to together the best that she could, but on the walk back to Feldcroft her heart pounded more than she could every imagine it would. It was like a dream come true. She had spend endless hours of her life enchanted with you, everything about you. You were everything she wanted to be. And, just moments ago you were right in front of her, giving her a private show she never imagined would happen.

"I am still so in awe." Ann finally broke the silence. Her hands rested on her heart.

"Glad someone finally said it." Sebastian replied with a cackle "what was that all about? Why did she do that?"

"Guess she only grows more perfect." Ominis chimed in, his voice coated with sarcasm. "Who can't adore her, right?"

"She said she'd meet us back at Feldcroft. I could only imagine to sweeten her image even more." Sebastian added. Ann looked over at the boys in announce.

"Would you guys just let it go already?" She spat. "You're both absolutely horrible."

"We are only joking." Ominis assured "I mean you have to agree it's all just a little-"

"I don't have to agree to anything." She interrupts "why don't you guys just go be miserable somewhere else. I can meet her myself."

"Ann we only-" Sebastian attempts before Solomon chimes in.

"Silence, boy." He demands angrily "can you for once not make everything about you?"

"About me?" Sebastian nearly gasped "I didn't get a whole show dedicated to me. I am simply making light of the situation."

"And, you'll never get a show dedicated to you so long as you stay an insufferable brat." The only man argued. Nearly silencing Sebastian if that were possible.

"And, how exactly can you know that? It's a wonder why y/n decided to single out Ann. As though she knew of her condition." Sebastian's voice was covered in suspicion.

"What of it?" Solomon asked dryly. Ann looked at her uncle surprised.

"Don't tell me." She trailed off for a second "months ago you mentioned you and our parents knew her parents back at Hogwarts. Did you know them well enough to arrange this?"

"Her parents knew ours?" Sebastian asked before Solomon could answer. The older man furrowed his brow.

"I sent a letter to her mother." Solomon admits, ignoring Sebastian's question. The group entered the gates of their small town and slowly made their way to their quant house.

"Uncle" and exhales breathlessly "thank y-"

"Ann!" You scream as you see her frail body approach. You sat atop of pumpkin in their front yard, effortlessly making yourself at home in a place you've never been to. The group seems surprised by your laid back nature.

"Y/n" Ann smiles widely as she tries to shuffle faster. Sebastian rested a hand on her back in support. The two of them arrive in front of you faster than the others. Sebastian's auburn eyes shot up to meet the cold stare of your brother. His face unmoving causing Sebastian to grow uneasy. He looks away quickly and is met by your polar opposite warm and welcoming smile. Your bright beautiful eyes and full lips made a small tint of pink rise to his cheeks. Even though your face was much finder Sebastian still felt uneasy looking at you too long. It was too intense, even for Sebastian.

"I don't believe we've met." You cheer as you lift yourself up to your feet. Your arm extends out until it was mere inches away from Sebastian's hand. The boy froze for a moment. He broke eye contact and looked down at your hand, but did not move.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora