Chapter 5

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Her skin was glowing from either sweat or the morning sun. Sebastian wasn't sure which. All he knew was seeing her happy brought him joy. Since the days that you left she hasn't stopped smiling once, besides when she scolded everyone else from not putting you in the pedestal that she did. Now that everyone had eased up on their taunting she was carefree as she skipped through the meadow surrounding Feldcroft. Ominis remained behind standing with Sebastian letting Ann have her rare fun.

"We won't stop hearing about it for weeks." Sebastian sighed as he watched her.

"Let her have her fun." Ominis warned "unless you wish to be yelled at once more." His tone of  voice carried the much fancier accent of the rich than Sebastian's did. Similar to your cadence. Sebastian learned at a young age that rich people simply speak differently. More elegant. That is why the pure bloods can spot the poor before even looking at them.

"We wouldn't want that, now would we." The boy said in a threatening tone. Both laughed. In the distance the sound of a carriage and horse hooves echoed in the meadow. The boys paid it no mind until something much louder rang over it.

"Ann!" A loud and boisterous voice called from the distance. Everyone turned to see an all white carriage carried by all white horses approaching them. Following the carriage was a single dark brown horse not being used to carry anything. Their mouths hung agape. A young beautiful girl hung out the side of the carriage waving her hand excitingly. She wore a bandana around her head to keep her wild hair out of her face.

"Y/N!" Ann screeched back as she hobbled closer to the road to meet the girl. The boys stood up from the stump they rested on and approached cautiously. The girl ordered the carriage to stop as she smiled widely at them.

"Sebastian, Ominis." She greets still happily. "Well come in!" She demands as she released the latch in the carriage. She helped Ann up and lead her to a cushioned seat she obviously prepared for her comfort. The boys hopped in and somewhat resistantly sat next to Elias. Who in all honesty intimated them more than you did. Sat in the other end of the cart was a dark haired girl they did not recognize.

"Who are you?" Asks Ann.

"My name is Anissa." She introduces herself kindly.

"Anissa!" Ann giggles "you're the one Arnold has been going in about." Anissa blushes at the comment.

"What is all this?" Sebastian questioned as he looked at all of the items in the cart. Food, sweets, crops, blankets and pots ass lined across the large carriage. Everywhere he looked he saw something new. You laughed.

"A gift to Feldcroft!" You announce "I said I would return your hospitality."

"Oh, y/n you are simply amazing!" Cooed Ann "she does this for every village she visits!"

"Every?" Ominis rose a suspicious brow.

"Well, most." You answer truthfully.

"Just the poor ones you mean." Ominis corrects.

"Stop!" Ann yells at him angrily "Feldcroft will love it y/n thank you!" You remain silent but smiling as you breach the gates of Feldcroft. The very small village looked on in awe at the sight before them. It was like a kings arrival. The crowd of people outside their homes slowly grew closer as you released the hatch on the back of the cart. Once more your brother hops out before everyone else and offers you his hand.

"What is all this?" Asked an older man as he looked at the interior of your ride.

"For you!" You cheer "for you all!" Everyone looks around at each other.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now