Chapter 12

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The commotion of the slytherin common room was louder than it had been in years past. The students elated at their newest addition as they all chanted and danced around the underground lair. Sebastian and Ominis sat alone perched up in the windows showing the lake outside. Sebastian unmoving as he looked out. All around him he heard the girls gush and how handsome they found your brother. To his chagrin the boys were similarly gushing over you.

After the sorting ceremony you simply strutted your way out of the great hall. The black bodysuit your wore hugging your figure perfectly. Still wearing that infamous smile. One he hadn't seen in a while. But, this time it resembled more of a seductive smirk. More confident and egotistical than your kind and loving one.

You still hadn't appeared in the common room with the other students. Sebastian hoped it wasn't obvious he was waiting.

"I guess you were right." Sebastian breaks the silence.

"What do you mean?" Ominis wonders curiously.

"She wasn't a Hufflepuff." Sebastian tried to make light of the situation. Ominis thought for a moment before responding.

"Maybe she was before. It doesn't seem to suit her well anymore." He points out the obvious. Sebastian huffs in frustration.

"I need some air." His feet stomped on the cold ground below him as he jumped down from the ledge.

"It can get quite compact in here." Ominis agrees "I'll leave you too it."

Sebastian offered him no response as he marched passed the other students crowding the common room. His shoulders bumping into several as he stormed to the stairs earning him glares as he trotted. They were the least of his concerns. Since he arrived back at Hogwarts all their gossiping had been wearing him down to his core. He couldn't stand them speaking on subjects they knew nothing about. Even if it was mostly in your favor.

"I heard she's gone mad." The laughter of an older boy caught Sebastian's attention as his foot hit the first step. He froze "I heard she killed every goblin in her sight, and when she was done she was going to burn Feldcroft itself. That was until the Ashwinders showed up."

"Why would the Ashwinders stop her?" Questioned another student confused.

"They didn't mean to stop her. They only distracted her. She was probably too weak after the fight to go through with her plan." The older boy theorized. Sebastian blood boiled as his fist clenched the railing of the stairs. "I don't even think we should have allowed her in our school. Did you know her family once conquered and terrorized the wizarding world centuries ago?"

"You know nothing". Sebastian spat as he turned towards the larger man. He received an amused smile.

"Oh, yeah. You're the Feldcroft boy." The amused older man mocked.

"You don't know her. You don't know what happened." Sebastian spoke with clenched teeth and fury in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to talk bad about your little girlfriend." He fake apologized "it's only what I heard."

"And, I'm telling you that never happened." Sebastian retorted "I was there. You were not." With that Sebastian turned and headed up the stairs awaiting no response.

"He was one of the townspeople that defended her at trial. You could practically tell just by his face how smitten he is with her. Though, if you asked my opinion I think she's far too good looking for him." The man continued to gossip once Sebastian was out of earshot. "Especially since he comes from such a lowly place like Feldcroft."

Frustrated with the conversation Sebastian stomped even harder up the stairs towards the exit. Luckily for all the students in the common room he had not heard the last comments. His rage was almost uncontrollable already and he would certainly be unable to manage it if insults were thrown in his own face. Once he was at the top of the stairs his fist wrapped around the handle of the door and slid it. He jumped out of the room before noticing the person standing directly in front of the door. Their bodies almost colliding.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now