Chapter 4

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You felt the room stare at you waiting your response. Though for a moment you couldn't keep your composure you quickly recovered it and masked your face with the familiar smile you always wore. Calmly you calculate your answer.

"In Alcombey we accept all different kinds of people, even if we do not agree." You stated.

"I am well aware of what you folks do in Alcombey. None of you keep it a secret." His voice was harsher than it had been previously. As though the rumors he heard about your hometown offended him.

"Oh?" You exclaim with cheerfulness soaked in your voice "have you ever been?"

"I don't need to." He assured you "everyone knows, but the last time I checked you don't accept dark wizards there. At least not yet."

"No not dark wizards. But, if no law is broken in front of us, how do we prosecute that? I have never seen your parents do dark magic." You inform him "and, I encourage you to visit a place and speak to its people before passing your judgment onto them." Everyone was shocked by your sudden assertiveness in stark contrast to your usual upbeat tone. Sebastian looked over to your brother who was wearing a small almost invisible smile. The first one he had seen from him.

Ominis squinted his eyes in annoyance. Even though he had gotten himself angry he did not wish to push the issue further with you, possibly ruining Ann's perfect night. He sighed in defeat "perhaps you are correct" he conceded to keep the peace.

"Well, on the topic of visiting." You began as your usually happy tone brought itself back "you all should come out and see me in Alcombey. It's such a unique place and I know you would all love it there!"

"Really? Do you mean it?" Ann asked hopefully.

"Of course I do." You shift your gaze to Solomon "if that is alright with you of course?"

"What? You expect them to go alone?" Solomon inquires "all the way out there?"

"In Alcombey children travel by themselves as young as twelve." You inform him "it's completely normal."

"Normal how? How is a child without any parental supervision something you would call normal?" The older man interrogates.  You chuckle.

"Kinda sounds like how eleven year olds go to Hogwarts unattended to me." You remind him. He scoffs.

"Completely different." Solomon shakes his head. You shrug.

"I could have my security escort them." You try and comfort him. The man looks unconvinced.

"Oh Solomon please!" Ann begs furiously. Sebastian and Ominis remain quiet.

"Ann you are far too sick." Solomon disagrees "end of discussion." Ann sulks back in her chair in response. "Where is your mother anyways?" Solomon wonders "it is past midnight and you are here all alone."

"I am not alone, I have Elias with me." You beamed "he is like a guardian of sorts."

"Yes two kids accompanying one another all alone at night, wonderful idea." Solomon sighs as he leans back against a wall.

"I think you forget who my father is." You pipe up "I come from one of the strongest families known to wizard kind. I am more than capable of handling myself. Elias is merely backup honestly." You laughs at your own joke.

"I am well aware of who your father is child." Solomon spat. You only remained calm. Your intense smile still drawn on.

"Wow, yeah you are right though. Look at the time. I really must be off." You say as you suddenly stand. Ann follow suit.

Cruelty - Sebastian Sallow x Reader x Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now