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Addison's POV

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Dad asks me with a smile on his face.

"I'm sure Dad. How's Bizzy doing? Is she still with Susan?" I asked referring to Susan Grant, my mother's longtime lover.

"Those two are still together and Bizzy's doing well. Bizzy's excited to meet our grandchild. It seems like Archer won't ever give us any grandchildren." Dad says, causing me to laugh. Archer was known as a player, but like Mark always made his intentions known.

"Uncle Awchie no kiss me Auntie Callie!" We hear Anastasia scold Archer in the living room, causing Dad and I to laugh. Archer entered the kitchen and I gave him a knowing smirk.

"I can't get away with anything here!" Archer said with a smile when Anastasia enters the kitchen and wags her little finger at him.

"Mama, Uncle Awchie want to kiss me Auntie Callie." Anastasia says when Meredith enters the kitchen with pies in her hands. We also invited Alex, but he had to work late tonight and promised to come to Anastasia's birthday with a big present for her.

"Dad and Archer, this is my girlfriend Meredith Grey. Meredith, this is my father Adam and brother Archer."

"Pleasure to meet you sir." Meredith says with a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet the lady who's making Addison happy." Dad says before Meredith puts the apple pies in the fridge.

"Nice to meet you." Archer tells Meredith when Anastasia wags her little finger at him again.

"No kiss me Mommy Uncle Awchie. Only Mama do that, no you." Anastasia says, causing Meredith to pick our daughter up and pepper her face full of kisses.

"You are Mommy and Mama's protector, aren't you little bear?" Meredith tells Anastasia, who nods in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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