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Meredith's POV

"Dr Bailey? Claire Rice's abdominal CTs." Dr. Bailey looks at the results before looking at me.

"Is this girl fat?" Dr. Bailey asks me.

"Not at all. She's a normal college kid."

"So, what do you see?" Dr. Bailey asked me.

"Her stomach's stapled. She's had a gastric bypass and a bad one at that." Dr. Bailey nods and the two of us headed to Claire's room. Mr. and Mrs. Rice both looked at us while Claire was reading a book.

"We need to talk to you both out in the hallway." Dr. Bailey says to both parents who nod and we all headed back outside.

"Gastric bypass is a procedure normally done on obese patients to help them lose weight."

"Claire? She doesn't need to lose weight." Mr. Rice tells us and I mentally agreed with him.

"It is so typical of this girl to take the easy way out. She's done it with everything since she was a little kid." Mrs. Rice says, causing Dr. Bailey and I to give each other looks before facing the parents.

"Mrs. Rice, nothing about this is going to be easy. She's going to face a lifelong struggle with malnutrition unless she has surgery to reverse the procedure." Dr. Bailey tells the parents.

"Do the surgery. I told her to watch the freshman fifteen. Don't eat junk, exercise. But when she came home Christmas, who had to take her out and buy her a brand new pair of size 6 jeans because she couldn't get in the ones I got her last summer?" Mrs. Rice tells us and her husband.

"Tina, you know, she tries so hard. She does. She gets good grades. She gets A's." Mr. Rice defended his daughter to his wife.

"She had illegal surgery in Mexico." Mrs. Rice replied to her husband.

"Unfortunately, there were complications with the bypass."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Rice asks us.

"She has what looks like an abscess under her diaphragm, and edema, which is a swelling of the bowel wall. I can't say for certain she'll recover completely." Dr. Bailey explains to the parents.

"Just do whatever you have to do to make her well, ok?" Mr. Rice pleaded with us.

"We'll do everything we can Mr. Rice." The parents headed back into the room and my pager beeped, indicating that I was needed in the Pit. Running towards the Pit, I see Anastasia on a bed with a clearly broken arm. Addison was talking to both Cristina and Dr. Calliope Torres while I walked over to Anastasia's bed.

"What happened here little bear?"

"Izzie do it. Me no want to wake you and Mama up fwom me bad dweams. So me go to Izzie woom. Izzie get weally mad and huwted me awm. Izzie telled me tat you and Mama no 'lieve me." Anastasia tells me with tears in her eyes.

"Mama and I believe you little bear." Anastasia smiled while I wiped her tears.

"Mija, I'm going to fix your arm and put a very pretty bandage on it. What's your favourite colour?" Callie explained to my daughter with a smile on her face.

"She loves baby blue and pastel colours." Anastasia nodded with a smile on her face.

"That's great. Now Anastasia, you're going to take a little nap and when you wake up, your arm will be fixed." Callie reassured Anastasia with a smile on her face.


Addison's POV

"Move in with me."

"You want us to move in with you?" Meredith asked me while we sat in her living room with a sleeping Anastasia in my arms. She had a baby blue cast with pastel purple stripes around it.

"Yes I do. That way Anastasia won't be harmed anymore. Plus I love having you both there."

"Okay we'll move in, but George gets to be with us as well, since he's always nice to Anastasia. I'll have to sell the house and bring my mother's things." Meredith tells me and I nodded before placing a kiss on her cheek.

"We'll do that." Izzie Stevens entered the living room and sat on the couch across from us.

"You have to leave the house by the end of the month." Meredith tells Izzie, who's brown eyes widened in shock.

"Don't be shocked Dr. Stevens. You harmed our daughter for no reason except asking to sleep in your bed. Be lucky it's this and that we're not pressing charges against you."

"Be warned though Isobel, if you harm Anastasia again the cops won't stop me from killing you." Meredith tells Izzie, causing Anastasia to wake up in my arms and rub her eyes with her good hand.

"She's a pest that wet my bed and won't leave me alone!" Izzie tells Meredith, causing Anastasia to pout with tears in her eyes.

"She has ptsd you ungrateful ass! You knew this weeks ago when Anastasia was first diagnosed with it." Meredith yells at Izzie while I rocked Anastasia in my arms.

"No wonder Anastasia's father didn't want anything to do with her! I'm surprised that you haven't given this retard up! I'm sure your mother would have given her up if Anastasia was her child." Izzie shouts, causing Anastasia to start sobbing in my arms.

"Nana love me! You a big meanie head!" Anastasia cried to Izzie before I began wiping her tears.

"She does love you button. Izzie's just jealous that Nana has a caring little girl like you."

"Then why doesn't your daddy want you?!" Izzie asks Anastasia.

"Me no have a daddy. Me have Mama and Mommy and Auntie Amy and Geowge. Tat okay fow me. Mama, me want 'udding please." Anastasia tells both Izzie and I.

"Alright button, let's go get some pudding." I tell Anastasia before the two of us leave the living room.

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