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Lexie Grey's POV

"You must be Meredith's sister Lexie." A woman says upon entering Anastasia's hospital room. She had a dog on a leash and I couldn't help but smile at how happy this will make Anastasia. Meredith informed me that she and Addison were getting Anastasia a dog to cheer her up from what Derek said.

"Yeah that's me. You are?"

"Dr. Amelia Shepherd. Anastasia calls me her-" Amelia started to say.

"Auntie Amy!" Anastasia says, smiling at her other aunt.

"Hello little one. How are you feeling?" Amelia asked Anastasia.

"Me awm huwt and me sick." Anastasia tells the other woman before looking at the dog.

"Your mommies told me to bring this little guy here for you. He's yours little one." Amelia said before the dog jumped onto Anastasia's hospital bed and lies his head on her lap.

"Doc is doggy's name." Anastasia declared while petting Doc.

"That's a good name angel."

"Me hungwy." Anastasia tells us and I begin to feed her the eggs that one of the nurses left for her.

"Did you eat?" Amelia asks me as I continue feeding Anastasia.

"At home before I came here. My parents and sister know that I'm here. Mom and dad are excited to meet Anastasia at Thanksgiving, but I don't know about Molly. Molly's very snobby when it comes to people who are different. Meredith and Addison already know about this."

"Well I'm going back to LA on Saturday, but I'll be back for Thanksgiving." Amelia tells me when Anastasia tries to feed me her eggs.

"Angel, I can't eat eggs because I'm allergic to them. It makes my body sick and my face gets really itchy."

"Sowwy Auntie Lexie. Me no want you to be sick." Anastasia apologizes.

"It's alright Anastasia. You didn't know."

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