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Meredith's POV

"Wain wain go away. Come 'gain some ottew day." Anastasia sang while looking out the window. Katherine gave us a smile before drinking her coffee that I brought her. Dr. Bailey gave me the morning off because Anastasia had her therapy session today. But we had the appointment at the hospital because when it's done, I'll be on time for the rest of my shift. Addison's letting us use her office for this appointment and it had a nice view of the city.

"Anastasia, your mommy tells me that your grandmother was in the hospital recently?" Katherine tells Anastasia who looks at us and nods.

"Nana weally sick but Uncle Geowge make hew bettew. But Izzie telled me tat Nana no get bettew and no 'membew me." Anastasia tells Katherine, who looks at me to elaborate.

"She found out from Izzie that my mother has Alzheimer's disease and proceeded to say that it's a relief because she doesn't have to remember a retard like her."

"I bet that hurt your feelings." Katherine tells Anastasia.

"Nana 'menbew me and love me. Izzie a big meanie head." Anastasia tells Katherine before hugging Henry close to her chest.

"That's right honey, she's not a very nice person." Katherine tells Anastasia with a small smile on her face.

"Maybe me get a doggy!" Anastasia tells Katherine with a smile on her face.

"That's so cool Anastasia." Katherine tells Anastasia with a smile on her face.


Addison's POV

"How did Anastasia's appointment with Katherine go?" Meredith handed me my coffee before sitting on the other chair next to me.

"Good. Now we have to get Anastasia that dog. She's so excited at the prospect of getting one, so I can't deny her that." Meredith tells me before drinking her coffee.

"We have to surprise Anastasia, so let's not tell her yet. Amelia is at the house because she wants to see us and has more vacation days. She said she's going to see her little one and we can't stop her." Meredith laughs in response, knowing how Amelia is.

"I won't ever deny Amelia that. Anastasia loves her Auntie Amy, so this will be a great surprise for her. She already invited Amelia to her birthday party and it's not until February." Meredith tells me with a smile.

"So where's the baby right now?"

"Olivia offered to watch Anastasia for me because she doesn't have any rounds right now. Anastasia was so excited to help Olivia by drawing her little pictures." Meredith says before chuckling.

"That's our button for you."


Anastasia's POV

"Retard!" Derek says as he walks over to me with a smile on his face. I was watching a movie on Olivia's computer because she has to give an old man his medicine.

"Hi Dewek."

"Your mommies are giving you away to the orphanage. I heard them talking and they said that they're going to bring you there today. They don't love you and don't want you." Derek says before I get up from the chair and run away from him. When I finally reached the main doors, I run outside and into the rain. But I fall down on a big puddle and my bad arm begins to hurt really badly.

"It's okay angel. There's no need to cry." A lady said before picking me up and put her jacket over my body.

"Me awm huwts. Me want Mommy and Mama."

"What's your name angel? My name's Alexandra Grey, but everyone calls me Lexie." Lexie says with a smile on her face.

"Anastasia Ellis Gwey-Fowbes Montgomewy. Me two." Lexie gives me a smile before bringing me into the hospital. Mommy runs over to me and takes me from Lexie.

"Little bear, what happened?" Mommy asks me.

"Dewek telled me tat you and Mama no want me."

"Derek is a big liar. Mama and I love you so much." Mommy says before I begin to sneeze and shiver from the cold.

"I'm Alexandra Grey, but everyone calls me Lexie. Are you Meredith Grey?" Lexie asked Mommy.

"Yeah." Mommy tells Lexie.

"You're my older sister through Thatcher. I came here today to drop off my application for the residency program and saw Anastasia on the ground. So I helped her up and wrapped her up in my coat." Lexie tells me and I give her a smile.

"Me Auntie Lexie?"

"Yes, only if that's okay with your mommy." Auntie Lexie explained to me and I looked at Mommy with a smile on my face.

"It's alright with me sweetheart." Mommy says with a smile on her face.

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