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Addison's POV

Anastasia and I both entered the elevator to see Richard and Derek also there. Meredith left the house earlier this morning because she had an earlier shift, so I was tasked with getting Anastasia ready today.

"Satan?" Richard says before looking at me.

"Good morning. Richard, like the hat." Anastasia grabbed my hand and started swinging our hands before giving Richard a smile.

"Satan speaks." Derek says, causing Anastasia to pout.

"Mama, wat tat wowd mean?" Anastasia asked me.

"Derek's just trying to make fun of me because of my red hair."

"Tat no nice." Anastasia said, her pout still on her face.

"Actually Derek, I prefer to be called ruler of all that is evil. But I will answer to Satan." I remarked, causing Richard to laugh and because of that Anastasia giggled.

"Derek, I could use you on a consult. Will you meet me up there?" Derek nodded before Anastasia and I leave the elevator and walked towards my office.

"Watch it! Hands off me! I could report you to the chief and you'd be out on your ass." Ellis' voice shouts throughout the hallway, causing Anastasia and I to see her in a gurney. Meredith's eyes widened as she walked over to us.

"Where is the chief?!? Where is the chief?!? You're all amateurs." Ellis continues to shout and Anastasia bolts over to her grandmother.

"Nana!" Anastasia says, causing Ellis to stop shouting and looks down at her.

"Hello darling. You aren't due to visit today. Are you?" Ellis asked Anastasia.

"No Nana. You sick so you see doctows like Mommy and Mama." Anastasia pointed out to her grandmother.

"Dr. Ellis Grey has Alzheimer's." Cristina says, reading her chart and Anastasia looks up at us with tears in her eyes.

"Nana no be bettew?" Anastasia asks both Meredith and I.

"No retard! This disease will make her not remember you and die! Though it's got to be a relief for Dr. Grey because then she won't remember what a retard you are!" Izzie yells at Anastasia, who begins to sob and Meredith goes to grab Anastasia. Olivia and another nurse, Tyler Christian wheeled Ellis' gurney to a private room.

"Stevens, you're on scut! Cristina you're on the thoracotomy with Burke. Karev, you're on the ETS case. George, you're with Ellis Grey." Dr. Bailey tells them and they all leave to do their assignments.

"Wat Mommy do Auntie Mandy?" Anastasia asks Dr. Bailey who gives her a smile.

"Your Mommy gets the day off to be with you and your Nana." Dr. Bailey tells Anastasia before leaving.

"Nana fowget me?" Anastasia asks us with a pout on her face.

"Little bear, Nana remembers you and always will. It's just her brain thinks that today is Friday and thinks that I'm a little girl again. But she knows who we are." Meredith tells Anastasia while wiping her tears.

"So Nana special like me?" Anastasia asks us.

"Yes button." Anastasia smiles at this.

Meredith's POV

"Welcome back chief." Anastasia held my hand as we entered Richard's office and he gave us a smile.

"It's good to be back, Meredith. Hello Anastasia." Richard says and Anastasia gives him a smile while I handed Richard, Mom's patient chart.

"It's my mother sir. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know you two are close. But she made me promise. She seems to be reliving the heyday of her residency a lot these days. And I just thought maybe if you could stop by and say hello, it would mean a lot to her."

"Well of course. How are you both doing?" Richard asked us before I picked Anastasia up and took the file back.

"Izzie thought that it was a good idea to tell Anastasia that Mom wouldn't remember her. That she'll think Anastasia's a burden but that's not true. Because of Anastasia, Mom remembers more and the facility she's staying at says she's been doing her brain exercises. She's working hard to at least remember Anastasia."

"Nana 'membew me. Izzie a big meanie head." Anastasia says before laying her head on my shoulder and I give her a smile.

"She remembers you little bear. Now let's say goodbye to Pop-Pop and go see Nana." Anastasia waves goodbye to Richard before the two of us leave the room and headed to Mom's private hospital room.

"Um...if you could just hold still...." George asks Mom when we arrived at Mom's room and see her getting out of his grasp.

"I'm in the middle of my work day Thatch." Mom says, causing Anastasia to look at me. I've told her about Dad a long time ago, except that I didn't tell her about him abandoning me. Anastasia gets down from my arms and enters the room.

"Nana, tis Uncle Geowge and he you doctow. He make you bettew so be nice." Anastasia tells Mom and I couldn't help but smile at my clever little girl.

"George." George looks at me and I ushered him over to me.

"She's allergic to penicillin and Thatcher Grey is my father. Anastasia's never met him but she knows who he is."

"Oh yeah it said on her chart. Is Anastasia allergic to penicillin?" George asked while we watch Mom, holding Anastasia's teddy Henry and doing the funny voices.

"Anastasia isn't allergic to it, but with her sensitivity issues she has gotten rashes from it. Be patient with Mom, she's not going to understand who you are right away. Anastasia is the only one able to keep Mom calm and always has been."

"I can see that. Are you okay?" George asked, concerned for my well being.

"Yeah I am good. Just want to kill Izzie but other than that I'm good." George nods before going back into the room and Anastasia explains to Mom once again who George was.

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