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Addison's POV

"Mama, can we get a doggy?" Anastasia asks me with that bright smile on her face and ketchup all over her face. The two of us are in the hospital cafeteria eating lunch while Meredith was still working. Kalpana was admitted to psych because she has Munchausen Syndrome and deliberately took medication that made her sick. Anastasia was upset that she couldn't see Kalpana anymore, but I explained that she needed extra help right now. Once she's settled in pysch, I'll bring Anastasia to see her because I got more privileges than Meredith.

"Let me talk to Mommy about it first. Do you like your chicken nuggets?" Anastasia nodded when Callie walked over to sit at our table.

"Hi Callie." Anastasia said with a smile on her face while I wiped her face.

"Hi mija. Is your arm feeling better?" Callie asked, referring to Anastasia's right arm.

"Me awm okay. Wen me cast come off?" Anastasia asked before drinking her sippy cup of apple juice.

"In two more weeks I'll look at your arm and see if it's all better. If it's better I'll take the cast off." Callie tells Anastasia with a smile. Anastasia smiles back while drinking her juice, her legs swinging back and forth.


Meredith's POV

"Mama telled me tat me maybe get a doggy, but Mama talk to you fiwst." Anastasia said as we walked into Cristina's room. Anastasia's eyes light up and a smile appeared on her face before she runs over to Cristina's bed.

"Hi there tiny." Cristina greets Anastasia with a smile of her own, but I could see that she's been crying.

"Why you cwying Tina?" Anastasia asked Cristina with a pout on her face.

"Cristina had a big operation and is in a lot of pain. But she'll be better soon."

"But my dragon is making me feel better. Why didn't you get me a teddy?" Cristina asked Anastasia.

"She said that you weren't a teddy bear person, so she got you the dragon."

"You know me so well tiny." Cristina said with a smile, causing Anastasia to smile back.

"Me maybe get a doggy." Anastasia said, her smile still plastered on her face.

"Really? I'm excited for you. Do you know what dog you want?" Cristina asks Anastasia.

"A doggy tat need a family. Mommy telled me tat some doggies no have a family." Anastasia replied and I couldn't help but be in awe of my daughter. She remembered our conversation and wanted a dog from the shelter. Before we came back to Seattle, Anastasia noticed a dog on the street and asked me why it's alone. So I explained that some dogs don't have families because I wasn't about to tell her that someone abandoned the dog.

"I think that's an awesome idea little bear." Anastasia smiled while holding onto Cristina's hand.

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