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Anastasia's POV

Mommy was asleep on the floor in the living room of our house with a man, so I decided to poke Mommy's face to wake her up.

"Mommy, wake up!" Mommy opens her eyes and gives me a smile before sitting up.

"Good morning little bear." Mommy says before wrapping the blanket around herself and stands up.

"Mommy, me waked up and dwess me self!"

"You sure did sweetheart. Remember today I'm working at the hospital and you're going to daycare." Mommy says and I nodded in response before the man wakes up and Mommy goes upstairs to get dressed. The man grabs my arm and hits my face, causing tears to come down my face.

"Listen good brat! Nobody wants you, not even your precious mother. If you tell her about this, I'll make sure she gives you away to an orphanage. There, bad kids like you get punished." The man said before leaving and I rubbed my sore arm.


Meredith Grey's POV

Entering Seattle Grace Hospital, I see Dr. Richard Webber talking to the rest of the new medical interns. Anastasia's at the hospital daycare because she fears being away from me and that's fine. She's only two and with everything that's happening right now, her routine is already disrupted enough.

"Each of you comes today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you." Dr. Webber says before I headed to the locker room. Picking a locker, I put my things inside and placed a photo of Anastasia on my locker before changing into my scrubs. Everyone else entered the room and got ready when a few doctors enter the locker.

"Okay. Martin, Robinson, Bond, Lockins." The first resident doctor says and a few doctors followed him outside.

"Only 6 women out of 20."Yeah. I hear one of them's a model. Seriously, that's going to help with the respect thing." The girl beside me says and I look over at her.

"You're Cristina Yang, right?" Another doctor called to their interns and Cristina nodded in response to my question.

"Which resident you assigned to? I got Bailey." Cristina says.

"Nazi? Me too."

"You got the Nazi? So did I. At least we'll be tortured together, right? I'm George...O'Malley. Uh...we met at the...ah had a black dress with a slit at the sides, strappy sandals you think I'm gay." George says, causing both Cristina and I to give him a look.

"O'Malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens." Another doctor says and we all follow him.

"Bailey?" Cristina asks and the doctor points to the end of the hall where a short woman was waiting.

"That's the Nazi?" Cristina asks as we start walking to where Dr. Miranda Bailey was.

"I thought the Nazi would be a guy." George stated.

"I thought the Nazi would be ... the Nazi."

"Maybe it's professional jealously. Maybe she's brilliant and they call her the Nazi because they're jealous. Maybe she's nice." A blonde woman says when we arrive at the nurse's station where Dr. Bailey stood.

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