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Callie Torres' POV

"Auntie Callie, wat awe you doing?" Anastasia asks me while looking at the pile of patient charts on my desk. I informed both Meredith and Addison what Izzie said and they were both furious at Izzie.

"Well I'm filling out these very important papers for the nurses so they can help my patients."

"Me want to 'elp peoples wen me big giwl." Anastasia tells me with a proud smile on her face.

"That's wonderful. What do you want to do?"

"Be a doctow ow a nuwse." Anastasia tells me and I couldn't help but smile.

"You'll be an excellent doctor or nurse."

"Auntie Callie, why you stay hewe and not at home?" Anastasia asks me with curiosity in her eyes.

"I don't have a home mija." Anastasia had the most adorable look of concentration on her face.

"You stay wit me. Mama have lots of wooms and tat way you have a home." Anastasia declared with a smile on her face.

"Only if your mommies say yes. Okay, mija?"

"Okay Auntie Callie." Anastasia responded before hugging me and I hugged her back.

Addison's POV

"Button, someone is here to talk to you." Anastasia looks up from her colouring and sees Seth standing there. Callie was now living with us because Anastasia convinced Meredith and I to let her stay. By convincing us, Anastasia just explained what Callie's situation was before pouting.

"He take me away! Me no want to see him!" Anastasia said before crawling into my lap. Izzie will be doing a lot of scut work for the unforeseeable future. Nurses and doctors will be giving Derek and Izzie some serious scut work to teach them not to mess with my daughter.

"I don't want to take you away Anastasia. Derek lied to me and said that you were my daughter, just like Izzie lied to you." Seth explained to Anastasia.

"You not me daddy?" Anastasia asked Seth with a slight pout on her face.

"No I'm not your daddy. Anastasia, my body can't have children. Your mommies are extremely lucky to have a beautiful little girl like you. If I could have children, I hope they'd be just as wonderful as you are. I hope that we can be friends." Seth tells Anastasia.

"Not nice to lie. Dewek and Izzie not nice 'cause tey lie to us. Yes we be fwiends." Anastasia tells Seth with her signature smile on her face.

"That's right little bear, it's not nice to lie. That's why Mommy and Mama are punishing Derek and Izzie." Meredith tells Anastasia.

"No hit tem wight?" Anastasia asks us.

"We're not hitting them. Just giving them boring work to do."

"Okay." Anastasia says with a smile on her face.

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