"Thank you, Mr Carter," Liam finally managed to whisper.

Mr Carter gave Liam a beautiful smile that showed off his dimple. Yup like as if it wasn't enough that he had a perfect body and smooth tanned skin and handsome face with square jaw and high cheekbones, and a cleft on his chin, that can make any woman swoon in his presence, but God just had to up a notch and put the ultimate lady killer on his left cheek. It made him look boyish and cute. I gave a silent sigh, turning my face away, cursing my bad luck that now I had to keep seeing him all the time.

I looked out my window, noticing that we had left the outskirts of town and entered into a more rural area. The properties here were scattered really further away from each other, making me get a view of the beauty of the vast land separating each house from the other. It went on for a while until I saw only land filled with thick bushy trees, which was almost like a forest. Until I turned my head hearing Liam say, "woah," under his breath.

I turned to where he was looking and caught my breath at the beautiful sight.

"Mr Carter, you live in a castle?" Liam asked innocently.

"That's not a castle. That's just a mansion," Mr Carter said defensively.

"That's a castle, Mr Carter." Liam dead panned. "The houses that we just passed
were mansions."

He was right. Behind an intricate strong iron gate, the beautiful structure that stood in front of us was definitely a castle.

It stood on at least 8000 square feet of land. It was like a picture out of a fairy tale book. The stone walls, turrets, and the long windows, it had the whole package, and it was a sight to see while I watched the sun set behind it, sending red streaks across the sky. I was awestruck just watching the view until Liam turned around, breaking the silence.

He looked at Mr Carlton dead in the eyes and asked. "Are you a prince or something, Mr Carlton?" His face looked very serious.

"Definitely not!" Mr Carlton protested way too quickly, earning a snicker from the big burly man in the driver's seat, known as Felix, Mr Carlton's driver cum body guard. He covered it up with a cough but still earned himself a death glare from Mr Carlton.

I have never seen the man before in the whole year that I worked as Mr Carlton's secretary, but he had seemed fairly familiar with Mr Carlton.

Mr Carlton had always driven himself to and from work. Had he gotten Felix because of us?

He had involved himself in our mess and put himself in danger. So he had needed to get himself protection as well. I felt guilty and remorseful, thinking of the danger I had put everyone into. But as soon as I thought this, I felt a warm calloused hand on mine. I looked up surprised, meeting dark gray eyes that were looking at me warmly.

He gave me a reassuring smile before he gave my hand a squeeze before letting it go. I gave a hesitant smile back as the gates opened and the car entered, driving through the long paved path until we reached the stairs that led to the double doors which opened as soon as the car stopped. It was all so very grand, that I couldn't help turning to Mr Carlton with raised brows. I had started feeling anxious with all the grandeur of this place.

With a sigh he said, "This is not my place. My parents live here, and you have met them Ashley, they aren't scary."

He was right. The Senior Mr Carlton was a warm and kind person who had always treated all his staff very well. He was nothing like his cold partner Mr Richards. And Mrs Carlton was an adorable lady who always spoke in a sweet and motherly manner towards me whenever she came to visit her son.

Looking at them, no one would ever guess that this is where they came from. They always seemed like very simple people.

I was taken out of my reverie as the door to my side opened revealing Felix. I blushed as I realized I had waited long enough to seem like I was waiting for someone to open the car door for me.

I stepped out immediately, apologizing to Felix as my cheeks burnt with embarrassment.

Felix just smiled, before he moved to get our bags out of the car.

Mr Carlton came forward leading us all inside, where I was once again shocked with its beauty.

If the outside was grand it didn't compare
With the inside of this castle. We entered a large hall with a marble floor and a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. There were wide doors that led to other areas of the castle and two wide spiral staircases which led to the next floor. I was definitely going to get myself lost in this huge place with so many doors, I thought.

We were led upstairs by a maid dressed in a black and white maid's uniform. Mr Carlton had left for his quarters telling us to freshen up quickly and come down for dinner fast as his parents were waiting for us..


Hello, my lovely readers. Here's a new chapter for you to read over the weekend. Hope you like it!

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