Chapter Nineteen

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*Welcome to the world Nyla Raine Porter-Jokic*
Michael Porter Jr- 9 months & 40 weeks pregnant
March 5, 2022
Denver, Colorado

Meanwhile at the mall,

Mike and his brother Jevon Porter were strolling around the shopping center when Jevon noticed his heavily pregnant sibling that wanted to get out of the comfort zone. Maxine had to stay at her aunt's house for one week until she is ready to go home with her mom. Mike knows that he misses his firstborn daughter. Although, Cierra tells him that she's having fun with her cousin in Missouri alongside Jontay, Janica and Nemanja.

Jevon Porter: You sure about this Mike? You know you're about to pop.

Jevon started teasing his older brother about putting the plate on the belly.

Jevon Porter: you know what? I can put the plate on your belly.

Michael Porter Jr: wow Jevon, what kind of joke is that?

Jevon Porter: sorry dude, I'm laughing my head off right now 😂

Michael Porter Jr: that's fine. Besides, I have our weekends planned for the next couple of weeks, so we can stop by Target to buy something.

Jevon Porter: Ok, we can do that.

When he and Jevon Porter were about to sit down, Mike felt a sharp pain on his lower belly.

Jevon Porter: Mike? Mike? Mike? Mike? What's the problem?

Michael Porter Jr: I think I'm going to have a baby.

Jevon Porter: Wait! What? I thought you were due tomorrow.

Michael Porter Jr: What do you expect? I can't prevent it! The baby is coming out now!

Jevon Porter: Oh my goodness! Hang on I'll call someone.

Mike was starting to scream. The shopper came to him. "Are you okay?" "No," He groaned. "The baby is coming," "Okay, let's take you to the hospital, okay?" Jevon and the lady took him to the hospital as Jevon calls Nikola Jokic that his fiancée is going to have a baby. "Yuck! It's so gross!" Mike felt disgusted when he looked at his pants that was soaked in amniotic fluid. "Is everything alright?" She asked. "Mike's water just broke," "Oh my, we're almost at the hospital now Mike, don't worry," She told him.

*During birth*

"Push!" The doctor instructed and Mike was letting out a loud scream. "Just like that Mike, you're doing great!" He was panting heavily as he held on to Nikola's wrists. "AARRRGGHHHHHH!!" Mike clenched his teeth as he clutched the sheets of the bed. "Come on Mike! Push some more!" The screaming coming from Mike can be heard from the whole maternity ward and the building. "You can do this my love," Nikola kissed him on the forehead. "You're stronger than this and I'm sure our baby will come out healthy," "Mike, I'm not seeing any progress, you need to push harder," The doctor said in his encouraging voice. "It's still hurts!" Mike shakes his head before demanding he would push again.

"Mike I need you to push!" She told him again. "I know you're tired Mike, but big push for me," "You got this Mike, I know you can do this," Nikola lets him know that he can do this for the sake of their baby while holding his hands. "Big push Mike!" "AAHHHHHHHH!" Mike got back up to push through the pressure. It's been 1 hour since he was in the stage of pushing and the baby wasn't coming out leaving him in a lot of pain. Mike was struggling so much for the baby knowing that he wanted to give up. In fact, it was still inside his belly and wouldn't work. Mike bawled his eyes out knowing that he wasn't making any progress with trying to get the baby to come out. Nikola knew Mike was having trouble with the baby whenever he's pushing and didn't do anything to help. He clings on to his partner.

Michael Porter Jr. And Nikola Jokic: The Guilt TripWhere stories live. Discover now