Chapter 15:Game Day (Part two)

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Writer's blocks really is killing me but i did it, just one more game chapter left💜

Omnicent (Pov)

"Please consider Mr Ian, this isn't necessarily I'm pretty sure we can find another punishment."

Cayden's uncle-the principle AKA Mr Hemsworth said, he was more than upset with Cayden, and definitely Cayden was getting out of hand but that didn't mean he wanted to see his nephew in jail.

"So my son being in a hospital bed isn't necessarily?"

Mr Ian- Jayden's Dad spoke without so much as a blink of an eye, he had been called from his office just to be told his son has been admitted in a hospital because he got into a fight but he didn't consider it a fight, his son didn't get the time to defend himself- he saw the video and just by the looks of it he could get Cayden in jail with a snap of his fingers.

"I understand that Jayden has been violently beaten and as a father i know how you feel but this isn't the solution we can't make a right by doing a wrong."

Mr Ian didn't respond, he looked to the right where a clear glass separated the office from the hall.

There Cayden was, he was sat on one of the seats casually on his phone as if he didn't just beat up someone nearly to death, it didn't help his Case though because Mr Ian got further more insistent.

"Look at him..."

Mr Ian pointed a finger at a unknowing Cayden.

"He doesn't seem  the least remorseful for what he did, how can you have someone like that in your school."

Cayden's uncle layed back on his seat with a sigh...

"Mr Ian... I've known Cayden when he was younger he wasn't like this and him being like this shows how much help he needs...and i feel like me as the principal have failed if i can't find a way to change this child's life for the good and you filling a case against him will do no good- I'm sure you can find it in the deepest in you to understand- and we can start by bringing him in to apologize"

Mr Ian looked at the principle in thought before he nodded slowly crossing his arms.

"I doubt he will but if he does I'll drop everything and that too includes the case but he should as well apologize to my son...publicly."

Cayden's uncle nodded as he rung the bell indicating for the secretary to allow Cayden in and about a few seconds later Cayden was now sat on the chair with his hands in his pocket as he waited for his uncle to start speaking.

"Pull your damm hands out of your pocket."

Cayden glared at him but didn't move an inche.

"Ion think I'm in this office because of my hand placement."

Mr Ian stared at Cayden for a second in surprise.

"You talking to me like that isn't gonna help you Cayden, you've assaulted Jayden and his father wants to file a case against you."

"He provoked me...i didn't just decided to ruin his face for nothing."

"Provoke or not you shouldn't what you gonna do is apologize to Mr Ian for your doing and the same for Jayden publicly."

"Fuck no."

"Mr Ian is considering taking you to jail for this and he has every right to for that fact so apologize now."

Cayden found himself a little woke at that, surely he didn't want to go to jail he wasn't afraid to go- he knew he would end up there anyway but right now  is too soon he still had things to complete before he could be cool with that, but he wasn't a fan of kissing the feet of a wealthy white man, he was one of the sponsors of the school as well and just by that showed that he could do anything...Cayden sat up a bit.

Cayden..-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now