Chapter 2: New Beginnings.

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(Akria's POV)

'Welcome to Atlanta Georgia'

I yawn seeing the board, I had just woken up not too long ago, it was dark and late with the stars shining their brightest, it was beautiful and not to imagine the tall buildings that shown with different lights the deeper we drove into the city


I mumble seeing the most beautiful and colourful ferris wheel.

" I knew you would like it, it's beautiful isn't it."

My mom spoke, she had already changed out of her previous outfit with her face bear with no make up and she'd been trying to conversate with me for the passed 2 days on the ride here but i really didn't want to talk to her.


I simply say turning back to the window to view more of the large and small buildings. I was amazed at the amount of people still outside at this time roaming the streets, some even appeared to teenagers.

"I'll come with you to check it out sometime."

My mom spoke referring to the ferris wheel we just passed a few buildings back, and of course i would definitely want to check it out but not with her
I mean how embarrassing would it be going to check out a ferris wheel at the age of 17 with your mom.


I hum softly still taking in the beautiful city through the tainted glass. I hear a heavy sigh before she spoke a again

"Akria, are you still mad?"

I turn my head to look at her as she drives, she seemed to be taking my somewhat silent treatment badly, and I'm pretty sure she feels guilty and sad -darn maybe i am overreacting and it has been 3 days since the argument but also on the other hand my anger is justified so why should i feel bad for making her feel bad? Plus she hadn't even apologized yet but who am i kidding where in the big books of fame has any black mom ever actually apologized to their kid.


"See then why do keep giving me all these blunt replys"

"Mom, do you not know what the extent of distruction your decision has made to my life."

"Hey, I'm not destroying your life but actually building it."

Yeah she still doesn't see what her decision has caused which arked me to the bone

"Mmh okay mom."

I say ending the conversation before an argument starts

"You're hungry arn't you?"


"Okay let me stop somewhere so you can get us food."

I nod still admiring whatever i was mesmerizing, everything was bigger and better then the town and here i thought that it would look the same as the town, as ma' drives i continue viewing and registering the different streets until she turns at small service station store parking at the left side of the building.

"Here, remember to buy me a salad or something for my food."

I nod taking the grey 'US-Bank' card from her before getting out the car and closing the door softly.

The cold breeze that hit me was beyond chilling, i wondered if Atlanta was this cold at night, i hurry into the station ringing a bell as i entered, the door closed immediately allowing me to enjoy the warm air of the store, i stood observing the store trying to see where the food was until i saw a sign that stated in bold-
'Fresh food-take away Deli'
Right at the very back of the store

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