Chapter 12: Somewhat Boyfriend.

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It's been 5 days without a post but i never disappoint- 😁

Akria's (Pov)

I was so happy that i had made it on the team, Taurus convinced the girls to let me in because of my bomb dance, i had came after school as Taurus said
They were at the Gym and they looked amazing in the schools dance outfits, and Suprisly Imani was in the Dance team as well and she was flawless, i had watched them practice for their performance on Friday which unfortunately i couldn't participate in since i was a new member.

I'm not too sad about it though since they said i can join them in their next Game performance.

The girls were all too kind and welcomed me with hugs but i felt like there was somewhat a bit of tension between them, it wasn't strong but it was there.

Other then that my mind had been on what Cayden had said about me not talking to Jayden which is totally out of the blue...weren't they friends or something as Jayden said they are basketball buddies.

Then there is times where i tell myself i don't care what Cayden says, who was he to tell me not to talk to Jayden? Yeah he was a little bit explosive yesterday but i still like him and he wasn't gonna stop me from pursuing that even if i was 'his'.

I pressed the bell once more and Latisha finally opened the door, she was dressed in the schools cheerleading outfit, Probably since she had just came from practice.

Taurus passionately expressed how much he hated the cheerleading girls, in his words not mine he said they were some useless talentless pretty girls that waved their hands in stupid pom-poms....they had to be a deeper reason onto why he hates them so much cause those words held so much animosity.

"Come in and take off yo shoes"

She said and i nodded tugging at my bag and entering her home.

It was honestly so homey...and i could hear the sound of a child laughing inside.

We soon reached the living room, and i spotted a pale man sitting on the couch playing with a lightskinned baby, he seemed to be aged 46 or 47 and he had ginger hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, how you doing?"

The man smiled at Latisha but Latisha simply nodded introducing him.

"Akria-StepDad come on let's go."

I waved at the men, giving him a friendly smile and he did the same though his smile wasn't as full as before.

i followed Latisha up the brown stairs, and we soon reached her room and everything was in different shades of blue- i mean everything.

I also didn't expect Latisha to be so organized her room was tidy and everything was organized, i was starting to see that the home Latisha- was far more different than the school Latisha.

She sat on one of the blue bean bags, pointing at the other one so i can sit, and i did so placing my bag on the floor as she gave me the content file, after setting her laptop on her lap.

"Did you finish reading the book?"

I nodded, and she didn't waste anytime literally diving right into it.

"The author Diamond Cortez had vision with this book and it was to portray the love between an old women and young man in the 1800s, which was considered to be an abomination right?"

"The man was rich and she was a poor slave and the odds were against them but i belive that the story had a deep meaning i don't quite know"

I said and she smiled before nodding.

Cayden..-ON HOLDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora