Chapter3: The boy next door.

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(Akria's Pov)

"Can you stop making decisions without telling me?"

The lights were now on and i stood with a frown while my mom was layed on the floor in mountains of soft blankets

"Don't you want to go to school physically?"

".....yes i do, but that's not the issue here, the issue is that you make decisions about me without telling me?"

My mom looked at me as though i had grown 2 heads she crossed her arms with an amused smile

"..i can't believe this.., Akria how old are you?"


"So.....let's get this straight i am your mother, i don't need any permission to make decisions about you-"

"Atlest tell me-make me belive that i have control over my life"

"What control do you need at 17."

I stared at her trying to come up with a reply but i couldn't so i just pursed my lips staring at the floor.

"That's right, you're starting there this week Thursday."

That was just 1 day from now.....i nodded and she hummed.

"Now switch off that light, i need some serious sleeping time."


"Put that there"

My mom told one of the furniture man to move the TV and he nodded and did as asked. The furniture company had come not too long ago and i was starting to get irritated already, they were literally everywhere and the noise of everything moving and screeching around is not how i planned for my first day in Atlanta

"Ma' can i go walk around and see the neighborhood."

She nods barely paying attention to me as she is busy telling the other furniture guy to not do something, Not my fault i already asked.

The sun was out since it was about 12 in the morning and the first thing i see walking out of our house was the house of the guy with with cute smile, i was seriously considering going there and saying 'hi' to the neighbors but I'm too shy for that so i decided to walk to the nearby park not too far from here.

During my walk on the opposite way from where I was going was the same blond from the house and he was coming my way- maybe if i looked at the floor and pretend not to see him he wouldn't recognize me.


I internally groan but my irritation goes away as though it wasn't even there when i look up to meet his blue eyes- i would be damed if my neck didn't strain from how tall he was


He smiled at me with his full white teeth.

"Didn't you recently move across us?"

"Yeah yesterday"

"Nice to meet you, my name's Jayden"


He chuckled looking away from me then looking back at me

"You're super cute you know that?"

I choked on my breath before smiling confused.

" i don't think that's something you tell a stranger"

"What can i do to stop being a stranger to you"

Cayden..-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now