Chapter 14: Game Day (Part one)

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Omnicent (Pov)

Akria stirred groaning as the alarm rung for yet another school day, she tried to sit up but the pain in my back made her squint, she felt like her back had been sat on for hours and she still felt tired

She sat up slowly and looked around the room and froze thinking of the events of last night, A blush scattered on her cheeks as she instantly slammed both of her hands on her face with a silly smile and laid her back on the headboard, she vividly remembered last night-Cayden's touches, she definitely didn't forget his words...what he did last night was really an experience, infact the feeling she got was non other then euphoric, was that really how sex felt like, was it actually even considered sex?

She let out a breath hesitantly pulling her hands away from her face and stared at the other side of her bed where Cayden had been but there was no one....


She called hoping that he was in the bathroom or maybe he was playing games with her but she got no response, there was no soul in the room, he probably left before she woke up which she isn't all too sad about because what if her mom saw him in her room or maybe he could've just left right after he was done with her, she just could've apreciated him to tell her that he was leaving, okay now she definitely felt sad.

She grabbed her phone going to his chat in hopes that he could've texted her something and indeed he did, she stared at the picture starstruck.

He had sent her a pic which he had taken last night, she was asleep and she looked so horrible, her hair looked as though she had just came out of a cat fight.

'Delete that right now.'

It didn't take too long for the 3 dots to appear as Akria eagerly waited for his response.

'Send me a lil something and i might consider.'

Akria looked at the message offended, Does he really think she was that stupid.

'What do you take me for?'

'Aight imma keep it.'

'Cayden what in the hell are you gonna do with that picture anyway, plus do you know i can send you to jail for taking a pic of me without consent.'


'Shut up.'

Akria internally rolled her eyes before switching of her phone, rubbing her crusty eyes as she yawned going into the bathroom to get ready for the day, but as soon as she got in front of the mirror, she froze as she brought her hands to her next neck seeing many hickies some so large she wondered how Cayden created that.

'What did you do to my neck.'

Cayden's phone rang once agian, he was driving to school as of right now and Kaiton was sat at the passenger seat ruining his leather seats with his breakfast.

"Mahn why you gotta chew so loud."

Cayden said picking up his phone, as a slight smirk spread on his lips at the message.

"Leave me alone."

Kaiton said with food in his mouth as he bobed his head to the rap music playing.

Kaiton gave Cayden a side eye because of the sheepish smile he had at his phone, he leaned over the divider to look at Cayden's phone, but Cayden immediately swiped his phone away from his sight.

"What you looking at?"

Kaiton swallowed his food going back to his seat.

"Just wondering who got you smiling like that?"

Cayden..-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now