Chapter 6:Unusual

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(Akria's Pov)

What if i called sick?-it wouldn't be lying cause i do feel sick and then i would go home early and wouldn't have to do detention.

That's stupid i know, i shouldn't be acting like this just because of a measly kiss on the neck-though it was my first measly kiss on the neck -or am i overreacting, yeah I'm totally overreacting-


My eyes snap to the voice,  coming back to reality.


we were the only ones in the classroom

"The bell rung 2 minutes ago"

My eyes widen as i shuffle around packing my stuff-i was so stuck up in my head that I didn't even hear the bell ring.

"Are you feeling oky"

"Never better Mrs.Anne"

She smiled awkwardly as i rushed out class like a fool, i need to rush to my last class which was English-Lit i was dreading even going because there's a high probability Cayden might be there and seeing him would make everything worser then it was already....i couldn't stop thinking about the male and i wondered if maybe i was going mad-surely i was.

Luckily i wasn't late and students were still piling into the class. I sat at my seat as i pulled out my english notes and right then i saw Cayden walking in talking to Jayden as they shared a laugh.

That indeed was something unusual, Was Jayden friends with Cayden? And since when did i have English with Jayden, i never saw him in this class.

They got closer and Jayden winked at me before walking passed me while as Cayden had the same blank stare as if he hadn't harassed me a few hours ago.

They sat behind me and i internally groaned but that wasn't it -oh no,no,no- i shared the class with Latisha and Brianna as well they were probably gonna walk through that door anytime soon
- and so they did.

I didn't miss the deadly glare Brianna gave me before she sat infront of me with Latisha as well.

The class went quite as Mr Jaxson walked up in front of the class, i admired his hot features as he greeted the class.

"We've been reading the book "scandalous" for the past 2 weeks and finally we are at my favorite part-presentations!"

He clapped his hands happily as the class groaned.

"It's nothing to sulk about"

He smiled at our missary before continuing.

"You'll be working in pairs-and unfortunately I'll be choosing, summarize for me the story of luke and his dutchess the literature of the book is amazing so make it interesting as well don't bore me please,give me your opinions-argue!,.....okay if i read your name come to my desk for the content file"

I loved presentations, i don't just gave me a kick in self exploration based on what i was presenting the only problem was that i had never done a presentation infront of people, i usually just recorded a video of my presentation in my room then i sent it to the teacher.

I tuned down my thoughts as Cayden and Jayden's conversation caught my attention.

"I can bring you the cash this weekend or is it urgent"

"No dats cool G, the bitch can wait,
she asking fa' too much anyway"

I heard Jayden's chuckle.

Cayden..-ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now