Chapter 13: Breathless

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There's semi smut in the chapter and you're free to not read i don't blame you 😬

Omnicent (Pov)

Cayden had told Akria everything, he had never told anyone about his feelings or about the incident with his mother not even his child hood abuse, but he just told Akria everything without holding back but he was a little tipsy and definitely high so we could say that was the reason for blurting things out without thought....

While he was speaking he hadn't noticed that Akria had started crying his vision was fizzy  but he brought his hands to wipe Akria's tears.

Her heart was touched to the core, she knew if it was her, she wouldn't even be able to break through all that, she didn't want to say she felt pity for him but maybe you could say she felt empathy.

Cayden chuckled with a lop-sided grin.

"You still look cute when you cry."

Akria laughed as she sniffled, in her mind she thought she look flushed and crusty but Cayden thought she looked like a cute little bunny and the fact that he was so horny wasn't helping the littlest.

"Shut up"

She said sniffling once agian.

"Stop crying I'm good."

Akra nodded wiping more tears that fell.

"Did you ever go visit your mom."

Akria thought maybe the reason why Cayden keeps blaming himself is that he never found peace within.



"Ion never got the courage to i guess."

"Maybe you should think about it, go talk to her and tell her you miss her, maybe i could even go with you if you want."

Cayden Didn't ever visit his mother's grave because he thought that she wouldn't want to see her son that didn't do anything to help her as she died right infront of him.

"I don't think I can."

Akria saw the doubtful look in his eyes.

"You should stop blaming yourself first."

"But it was on me, i-"

"Stop wasn't your fault and and I'll keep telling you till you start getting annoyed of me."

Cayden gave out a half smile before sighing, he wasn't against the idea maybe he should go and see her and maybe then will this burden on his shoulder go away.

"Is that it?"

He said yawning and stretching his arms out, which looked so adorable in Akria's eyes.

"No...i actually had  2 questions left."

Cayden groaned internally he was tired of questions and he wanted to get some rest or even better he just wanted to explore more of Akria, but though he was tired he nodded for her to continue.

"What are you and Jayden exactly?"

"We cool just ain't close.....
we just talk on the regular."

" he told me that yall are basketball buddies."

Cayden thought that he had been doing a good job of  keeping Akria away from his life but in reality she was already was onto him, she had found out more than he thought she knew.

"I aint saying we aint basketball friends."

"Okay fine you guys are just friends now explian to me why his investing money in something of yours.......what exactly is that something."

Cayden..-ON HOLDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat