chapter 21

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In kim mansion::

Jk doing something on his laptop that's when jungwoo entered with a dull face..

Jk look at him and closed his laptop..told him to sit..

Jw sit beside kook and place his head on his shoulders make jk shock..

Jw:: i can't..anym..ore kook. What should...i do n..ow. ( shaky voice )

Jk::tell me what happened..(soft )

Few minutes after, jk tug jungwoo on his bed ,his eyes shows red in anger..

Jk took tae's car key and left from there ,he drive too fastly...

He reached a small park , there he see Han is waiting for him.

Jk went to han and choke his neck and lift him in the air making his legs float   make Han hard to breathe..Han face become red...Han was struggling ,he don't know what he has done..

Soon jk left han who fall on the floor and coughing badly. Jk kneel down and lift Han chin , Han can't look at the deadly stare of jk..

Jk::tell me how should I punish you?? HUHH..tell me..( Han flinched ) why didn't you inform about ben..what are you doing when he followed tae like a creep ( shout )

Han shiver and look down.

Jk:: the most wanted Mr.han the intelligent and smart ,a spy who the government searching to work with you is go on a vacation in his work ( mock )

Han look down ashamed.

Han:: sir, my frie..nd get.into acci..dent. ( fear )

Jk:: you should tell me right?? ( Shout ) if anything happens to my love because of your carelessness then be ready to face the hell, ( grip Han chin who hiss )the life which I gave you will be taken by me.. GOT IT ( Han nodded his head )

Han:: sorry...( tears )

Jk:: get lost ( jk left from there )

Han get up from the ground and wipe his tears..

Han:: don't worry sir , hereafter i will be careful,i won't anyone to hurt your lovable one's.. ( Han called his assistant ) hello beak

Bk: yes hyung, are you okay?? Your voice is little cracked ( worried )

Han:: nothing boss helled at me that's it..( shrugg )

Bk:: are you alive after anger him , ohh my god your soo lucky hyung.. you are only one seen his face..when he is going to reveal his face??..( whine )

Han sighed ..

Han::listen to me , collect the details of Ben , ceo is rezz company.. ( beak nodded as Han can see him )

Han:: hello are you there??

Bk:: ohh sorry ,yes hyung don't worry i will send you the details in half an hour.

Han cut the call and look at his wallpaper where he can see his love photo.

On the other place ::

Ben was looking at the moon sitting outside the balcony.

Bn:: I will get my revenge on you jungkook for killing my brother...( Smirk ) you don't know me right , i will kill you with my bare hands.
Now my first target is your hyung and brother. First i will kill any one of them ,then you will know the pain of losing someone close to you.

Jungkook came to Kim mansion, then he see Jin is going to the terrace, he followed him , the sight make his blood freeze ,Jin took a cutter in his hands and make a cuts in his hands blood dripping from the cuts..

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