Chapter 4

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Kim mansion:
Early morning,

Jin, mrs kim, mrs jeon is making breakfast for others. Kook went to call tae for breakfast.he knocked for few minutes but no response, he thought tae is sleeping so he twisted the doorknob and went inside, but the room is  empty, kook is facing the window, he didn't hear the bathroom door opened, tae came out, towel wrapped around his waist.

He is half naked, he saw kook and asked.

Tae::good morning baby.(smiled)

(kook flinched by a sudden voice, he turned and widen his eyes, pink dust are formed in kook cheeks while seeing tae toned body with muscles. This man perfect in everything. He is nervous can't able to look at elder, he is torturing his lips while biting)

Jk::good... Morning.. Hy.. Ung. Come..for..breakfast.(shuttering badly)
Tae ::are you okay(he went near kook)

Kook praying to God, he don't want elder to hear his racing heartbeat.

Tae ::what happen, why are you looking red, wait you have fever(worried)

Tae kept his  hand on his forehead  to check his fever, now they are standing very close, kook closed his eyes, his breathing get heavy, when tae hot breath hit on kook face. Tae backed away.

Tae ::your body heat is normal,..come let's go to hospital.(concern)
Jk::hyung, I get freshen up in hot water, so my face look red, don't get worry, now come let's go.

Tae nodded, they went down had breakfast, tae dropped jeon twins in university, now kook and jimin having same classes,

Jm::why are you blushing kook(tease)
Jk::what.. No hyung, I am not blushing.
Jm::you are my bestie kook(raise his eyebrow) tell me what tae hyung done this time.
Jk::i.. I.. Saw his naked upper body (covers his face).

(jimin laugh at his cuteness. He pinch his  cheeks)
Jm::when you going to confess kookie.

(kook face saddened, and reply)

Jk;:I don't know hyung,.. He saw me like his brother(he is in the verge of crying, jimin hug him tightly) when I get to know, what the meaning of love is, then I realize, I love my hyungie. I love him chim(crying) but.. (hiccup) he.. He..

Jm;:shhh bub, just confess baby, we don't know what future holds right,
Jk::maybe...he accept me hyung, I know for my happiness he can do anything, he even die for me.
Jm::then what is your problem bub, just Say him(kook shook his head)

Jk::if he accept me, for just he don't want me to get sad, it's not love hyung. I don't want to get his love by force. I want my hyungie to love me not as brothers but as lovers. My heart is aching whenever kim uncle talk about his marriage. If hyung is not mine, then  I live my whole life with his memories, he is the only one for me chim. (he backed away from jimin).

"i will wait until my last breath for him,"

Jm::I am so proud of you kookie(ruffles his hair) no more crying, come I will buy you banana milk. (kook eyes sparkles and nodded his head like a puppy).


Mr. Kim and taehyung arguing while others are very nervous.
Mr.k::tae, try to understand. You already crossed 30, when are you going to get marry. Tell me (shout)

Tae ::its none your business dad. (calmly)
Mr. K:wow, it's none of my business, my own son talking to me like stranger (he clapped his hands and chuckled bitterly)
Mrs.k::tae, please
Tae::i already told you, I don't want to marry, then why are you forcing me. (shouted)

Jeon twins are crying, they don't like when thier family members fighting.
Mr.k::please son, I am begging you, I don't know why my bubbly son changed totally to cold. I want my son back. He always run after me asking for toys, I want my old tae. Why you changed bear(mr. Kim is crying, namjoon holding him)

(tae holding his tears, when he saw his father, but he controlled and left to his room quickly ,kook saw tae how he hold his tears which break his heart. jungwoo try to follow him but Mrs.jeon stopped him.)

In midnight :

Jungkook can't sleep, he wanted to see his hyungie, but he thought to give him some alone time. Now he stand and  went to see him, he knocked and heard a deep voice.

Tae::come baby(he doing work in his laptop and  act like nothing happened but he can tell how elder was hurt)
Jk::hyung are you okay(concern)
Tae::totally fine. You go and sleep Tommorow you need to go to college right? (tae eyes didn't meet kook, he tried his best not to broke down infront of kook)
Jk:hyung you can tell me(little confident)
Tae ::I am okay kook, you go(sternly, he is breaking second by second)
Jk;:hyu.... (tae cut him)
Tae ::GO FROM HERE(jk flinched, it's the first time he shout at kook, tae realised what he had done and started to say sorry)
Sorry baby please forgive hyungie... Soryy....(tae blabbering like child his hands are shaking, tae already hurt now he shouted at his baby. , kook try his best to stop him, then he shout)

Jk::TAE STOP . (elder look at him with shock, but kook hug him tightly, elder want this, he want warmness, he want comfort , so he unconsciously pull jk to his lap and nuzzling his face in crook of his nape, kook stroke his hairs slowly, they stayed in that position. After few minutes,)

Jk:let it out hyungie....(softly) .

That's it tae broke down, he is crying like a child. Kook heart clenched to see his love of his life in hurt but he need to comfort him first. They don't speak anything only crying sound is heard as muffles as taehyung burying his face in kook neck.

After 20 minutes, tae lifted his head, then realised his position, but he didn't move, he saw kook smiled at him.
Kook wiped elders tears and kissed his forehead, till now he is sitting in tae laps. Tae felt something inside him, he don't know what is this feeling. Now he don't want younger to  go from him.

Jk:are you okay(cupped his face)
Tae::thankyou baby(kissed his nose)

(kook pouted, tae look at him and yes he is feeling weird)

Jk::i am your kookie hyungie, no need to thank me. (pinch tae playfully)
Listen hyung, if you want to cry my shoulders always open for you, I am not going to ask you anything, you can come to me anytime okay. (tae again felt something, he shrugged)

Tae nodded his head. Kook get up from tae laps, elder missed warmness.

Jk::sleep hyung, I will come tommorw.

(when kook ready to go, tae pulled him on bed, he fall on the bed)
Jk::what hyung, ohh my back...(tae chuckle)
Tae :sleep here baby. (kook nodded, then they cuddled, kook kept his head on tae chest, as elder stroking other hairs.

Tae:good night baby(kiss his forehead)
Jk:good night hyungie (kook just kiss his reachable place, yes he kissed tae chest, made tae to smile he like it when kook kiss  him like that, it's the first time kook kissed him on his chest )

Kook sleep with a small smile on his face because he always wanted to kiss tae on his chest now he fulfilled his dream,  both went to their dreamland.


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