chapter 10

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Tae is working in his office ,he didn't go to home yesterday, he want to divert his mind from his worst past, his fear but twins continuously calling him to know his well being but our bunny boy is in the edge of burst out..

He don't like when elder careless of his health. ,so now kook stand infront of Kim company, he went inside and greeted by everyone .

Kook shyly greeted them and directly went to tae cabin, without knocking he enter inside and stand thier holding his waist with a puffy cheeks..

Tae didn't even noticed him ,he buried himself in his work..

When tae lift his head ,he chcukled and close his laptop..

Kook looking soo cute when he is in mad..

Tae:: baby, what a surprise come here..( kook shook his head as no and sit in the sofa , with a upset eyes )

Jk:: Don't talk to me ( angry )

Tae:: what made my baby angry( sit beside kook who is sulking)

Jk:: did you eat ??( Interrogate)

Tae nervously shook his head as no..that's it jk burst out...

Jk:: how can you behave like a child Taehyung.. Don't you think your health is so important than this stupid work. Ahhh i am stupid to think your mature enough .....( Jk started to blabber but tae too shocked to react )

( Tae pull jk into hug to stop his rambling , jk stopped and nuzzle his face in his chest and inhale the strong scent of tae, )

Tae:: shh baby ,i am sorry ...( Tae knows whenever tae is careless of his health jk is there for him.)

Jk::come lets go ,for a lunch ( drag tae who is smiling )

When jk dragging tae ,other new employees are stunned to speak .thier boss is very cold no one can touch him but now a small boy dragging him moreover thier boss smiling...

Now taekook are in lift suddenly tae pull kook into a breathless hug , jk pat other shoulder..

Tae get relaxed by the baby smell of jk..

Tae broke the hug and directly look at jk eyes.,both are staring at each other soon jk kissed tae forehead who close his eyes.

Jk:: don't stress yourself hyungie..just come to me ,your home ,i will heal you ..( tae heart skip a beat)

Both back away when lift opened.

Jk:: let's go hyung ( interwine thier hands)

Tae  follow kook with a content smile.

After few hours ...

Taekook had thier lunch , now they are returning to mansion..on the way jk slept..

Tae  park the car and admire the younger who is sleeping with a slightly parted lips..

Tae:: my baby..( caresses his cheeks)

Tae lift kook in a bridal style and went inside .

Jin:: is he slept??( Tae nodded and left to his room )

Tae tug him on the bed..and went to freshen up ,when he came out jungwoo stand thier with a pout..he chcukled ..

Tae:: again you too..( smile)

Jw:: hyung ,this is too much ,why you didn't come to home yesterday..

Tae:: sorry's important project .( Ruffle his hair who hug him )

Jw:: i missed you..

Tae:: i missed you too..

Jw:: when kook came here..

Tae:: this baby ( shows jk sleeping figure ) came to office and drag me here .( Jungwoo hummed and his smile fell )

Jw:: then i will go ( he left quickly )

Tae settled beside kook and pull him close with a deep sigh..

Jungwoo went to his room  and closed with a loud thud..

Jw:: why am I feeling weird , why i hate when you give importance to kook hyung ,why i hate the feeling hyung , i hate it ..( tears slip from his eyes) i feared sometime i want to show hate to kook..

Few hours later..

Everyone at the dining table , is sit beside kook making him shy why because teasing kook..

While tae glare at

Tae:: baby don't talk and eat ( stern )

Jk nodded his head but smirk and again start to tease kook.

Mr.k:: see i told you he will get jealous ( whisper )

Jk look down but he know a deep stare are on him..

Jungwoo noticed everything and fisted his hands under the table..

After dinner kook went to his room to freshen up..

When jk went to tae room ,there jungwoo lying on the bed scrolling his phone , tae entered the room and look at the two twins..

Tae:: you two want to sleep here( both nodded his head )

Tae changed his dress and settled on bed soon attack by jungwoo who hug him tightly, there kook stand sulking , tae look at kook and pat his side .

Kook lyed beside tae but back facing him. Tae sighed and caresses jungwoo hair..

These days he can't spend time with jungwoo...

Next morning ...

Jungwoo opened his eyes and look at tae who is back facing him..he stand and see he felt angry , tae totally cover jk in his arms who hide his face in his chest, he left from there angrily..

Time skip.....

At night

No one in the office ,only tae and his secretary..

When tae working in office , someone knock the door.. tae thought he is his secretary..

Tae :: come in ( deep voice)

??:: Aishh such a sexy voice .( When tae look at the person ,his whole body get shiver ,he can't able to form word ,his breath get uneven..

he shakingly took his phone..but that man hold his hands.. without knowing call went to someone.)

Tae:: me..( heavy breath )

??:: You are soo hot ( trace his fingers on tae face who feel discusted )

Tae can kill him in a single punch but his fear...

A person listen everything on the line get angry and took his car with a full speed...

Tae:: go away. ( Tears are forming ,he felt soo weak )

That man  hold tae waist who is getting panick ,...

Tae:: crying , struggling in his grip)

??:: I will eat you soon ...( Interept by a ring)

That man left the cabin immediately when someome called him..

Tae fall on the floor , he is crying so badly ,he want warmness ,he want comfort . He want his kookie...his home , his comforter

His whole face is red due to crying , that's when someone opened the cabin and gasped at the sight...

Soon a warm hug engulf tae..

Tae slowly lift his head and his lips are wobbling while looking at the person...

Tae:: Fainted )...


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