chapter 13

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Here kook was sitting in an big mansion wanted to meet someone, sipping his coffee which was offered by a maid..that's when..

??:: Hii kook, you came to see me ( surprise )

Jk:: yes, Choi uncle, where is bogum...

Choi:: he was in office , you want to meet him.(.sit infront of kook, who just lost somewhere....Choi noticed and called him ,jk snapped..

Choi:: are you okay.

Jk:: no i am not okay uncle..

Choi:: what happen son ( worried )

Jk:: it's..just..

Choi:: you can tell me ( assured )

Jk look here and there..

Kook get up  from his place..and stand before Choi ,who get confused, like kook want to say something..he too stand..jk lean ,Choi too get curious what kook was going to say but....









Choi fall on the floor with a bruised skin, his cheeks get swollen by the slap. He look at jk whos eyes are red like volcano ,he get feared..

Kook bend down to Choi level, and hold his collar ,say in a deep voice..

Jk:: count your days mother f*cker.(spit on his face )is your son really at office ( innocence )

Kook left....

Choi calculating ,what has happened, he snapped when his wife came there and asked him , what happened.. he just took his phone and  called bogum, who didn't pick tha call...

He tried again and again. But no use ,, then he get a call from unknown number, he pick the call but his heart stopped...

??:: Hello, mr.choi . We are from CNU hospital, your son bogum get on a  accident , he injured badly ,come soon sir, he is in critical condition.

Choi cut the call and run to his car ,with a teary eyes , praying to God for his son health..he get angry when their guards said that every tires was punchered..he shout at them.

After few minutes ,he reached the hospital.

CNU hospital is owned by everyone greeted him but he just run to see his son..

He stand infront of icu with a shaking hands..

On the otherside:::

Tae was watching tv holding kook in his arms ,who is sleeping peacefully..

That when he widen his eyes...

News:: famous ceo Choi bogum ,get on a accident...he is in critical condition, there is few chances of his life..his accident is look like pre-planned...

Tae heart was beating so fast..he just off the tv and pull kook to his chest like a teddy bear..kook stir up in his sleep..

Jk:: what happen hyung ( sleepy voice )

Tae shook his head and kiss jk cheeks..

Tae:: sleep bun. ( Kook nodded )

If tae didn't turn his face that side ,he could see a smirk on kook face...

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