Chapter 33. Bad Blood

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The dog sniffed the ground and rooted in bushes and behind rocks as we walked along the dirt road. We weren't actually very far from home, but for someone her size it seemed like a considerable distance to walk. For a while I tried to see if I could make out any footprints or tracks, anything that might tell me that she had passed that way, but there was nothing. From time to time I looked at the forest around me, thinking about it. She had spent the previous night outside, completely alone and helpless. I could hardly sleep thinking that I could have prevented her from leaving and a mug of coffee wasn't enough to shake off sleep completely. I had been feeling so down since she was gone. My feelings about her were still confused for me. As much as I wanted her to stay, I knew it wasn't what she really wanted. But I wasn't fine with losing her forever as well. I wanted to keep her, to stay with her. I cared so much about her, more than I cared about anything else. I mean, all I wanted was to protect her and it was a noble feeling, anyway she called me selfish and mean. I guess it was all my fault after all.

"Damn it!" I kicked a stone so hard it flew away to the other side of the road.

I stopped as I watched it flying and disappearing into the undergrowth. I observed all that vegetation around. The entire road was surrounded by trees and other smaller plants. The predominant color was green, but there were also other ones scattered like drops of paint on a canvas. She told she was from the forest, that somewhere beyond the lake there were small houses built inside of trees where many tiny people just like her lived. Her survival skills should be more advanced than any human's for sure, but she was alone now. I couldn't imagine how scary and dangerous it was for her in the dark. At her size she was easy prey for any wild animal. I bit my lips in worry. So I shook my head.

"Maybe she's still nearby." I told myself. Even though the pet had not indicated any scent reaction I needed to go check for myself. "Well, it doesn't hurt to check, does it?"

I crossed the road, approaching the foliage with the dog by my side. I ran my eyes thoroughly over the grass and every bush, every plant and flower and roots, everywhere trying to find some clue about her.

"Mina? It's me, Max!" I raised my voice a little, just enough not to make it too much louder than it already was. "Are you there? I won't hurt you. I just want to help."

Everything was quiet and it looked like nothing was there. I was about to turn back to the road when suddenly a rustling of leaves moved, catching my attention. Is it her? I waited anxiously without making any sudden movements not to scare it. Whatever was walking approached where I was, still hidden by the grass. I arched my eyebrows, barely containing anxiety. And then just before it revealed itself Toby barked and lunged forward, charging at the small being. The foliage moved again, but this time desperately in the opposite direction, right into the forest. She was running away.

"NO! STOP IT, TOBY!" I held his collar with both hands. The dog barked euphorically as I tried to preventing him from catching her. "SIT! SIT, NOW!"

Because of the commotion I couldn't get the animal to obey my commands, so I tied his collar around a tree less thick than the others, but apparently strong enough to hold him.

"Bad dog you are!"

The animal flinched, whining. After tying the knot I let go of the animal's leash and went in pursuit of her, completely reckless as I stepped over dry leaves and twigs. I didn't have time to think if that chase would make her even more scared, it probably would, but first I needed to make her stop.

"Mina! Wait!" I called out to her eagerly.

I was close to getting her. She was right under me. I feel to my knees, reaching out both my hands to catch her when the foliage ended and I could see what it was. A squirrel ran desperately, scrambled up a tree and disappeared high in the canopy. Oh, great. I looked down at my still red hands, thinking. I was probably looking dumb right now. I sighed in frustration at the sight. When I called her 'little one' like I always did, it made her angry. She told me to stop calling her that, that she had a name. 'You don't own me to give me names!'. I tried to look strong in front of her when I heard her saying that but it really hurt me. Then she herself had said that we were no longer friends. When I heard this my heart ached like it was going to break in a thousand pieces. I don't know how I didn't cry right there. I still replayed that moment over and over again in my mind. My stomach churned with a bitter taste in my mouth.

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