Chapter 17. Mine

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I rubbed my eyes, blinking them to get used to the dark. I reached across the bed until I touched the lamp on top of the furniture. When the light lit up the room I checked on the small figure curled up on the pillow. She was holding that book like she was hugging a teddy bear. I couldn't help but smile. I lightly caressed her back with my fingertip. She shifted in place and moaned softly at my touch. I widened my eyes and pulled my finger away from her, startled. However she was still sleeping peacefully. I grew fond of her. And what did I do? I kissed her. I really did. And it was amazing. I never thought I would have the courage. She was so sweet I even felt like licking her. I couldn't stop replaying it in my mind. 

I sighed and rolled to face the ceiling. Look at you, Max. What do you think you are to her? I closed my eyes shut. It was those thoughts again. I hated them, but maybe they were right. Our size difference often made me feel uncomfortable next to her. She was as fragile and small as a dandelion. Just one oversight and I could break her. I tried not to think about it when we were together, but it was impossible. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, how hard I tried to make it, as much as I controlled my every move around her it would never change. We would always be different. 'I don't belong here'. I held my head in my hands to stop thinking about it. That was torturous enough. It was good that she was leaving after all, wasn't it? She would go home and I would go back to my ordinary life. I bit my lips. It was turning into a compulsion by now. 

I took out my phone to check for any random notifications. I had to keep my mind busy or I would go crazy. I was scrolling the screen when a low and frightened moan reached my ears. I turned to see the small girl. She was moving frantically. Something painful was going on with her. I left my phone and rolled on top of her. She's having a nightmare. I slipped my fingers under her little body and curled them around her. I pinned it with my thumb to hold her in place, but it was no use. She still squirmed under it.

"Bad... coming..." She moaned in a painful voice. "No... NO!"

What's scaring you? I looked around the room for whatever might be doing this to her. Whatever it is I will- I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm the nerves. I had to help her now. I looked down at the trembling little body in my hands. She was suffering. It broke my heart to see her like that in pain again. Hold on, little one. I brought her to my chest, pressing the tiny girl lightly against it. I hoped the sound of my heartbeat would calm her down like it did when I found her in the rain. I held her like she was the most precious thing ever, because she was.

"You're not alone." I whispered softly. "I'm here."

I wanted so badly to make whatever it was to go away. I didn't know what else to do so I just stood there, waiting for her shivering to stop. Slowly she became peaceful again. I lay down on the bed carefully so as not to make any sudden movements. She clasped into the fabric of my shirt with her little hands and hid her face in it. So I placed both hands on her, sheltering her during her sleep. I loved the feeling of having her in my hands. I wish I could cuddle her tight to protect her from the world. You would be mine only. That was a selfish thought, but it didn't matter, did it? After some time I fell asleep too.

In the morning I woke up to the screeching sound of the alarm clock. With a hand I turned it off and then rubbed my eyes, yawning. I looked down at the small person on my chest. She was also rubbing her sleepy eyes. One of my hands was still around her making her look at it curiously. Then our eyes met.

"Morning, little one." I just couldn't stop calling her that.

"M-m-morning." She sounded a little fearful. She probably didn't remember anything from the night. "What happened? Why...?"

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