Chapter 32. Going Home (pt. 2)

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I was falling asleep when I was grabbed, which woke me up by surprise. The giant child hid me, or tried to, behind her back just as she had in the hall so her dad wouldn't see me. So we weren't in the car anymore. We were outside. When they started to walk around the place I could see that it was somehow familiar. This place... I feel like I have been here before. I was trying to figure it out when it came to me. The park! I could hardly believe it. It was that park, the one where Max had brought me. Yes, yes! My face lit up excitedly. I was so thrilled to finally get where I wanted that I could barely contain my grin. I made it! I really made it here! As I was being carried I looked around trying to find the exact place where everything had happened. If I could go back there maybe I would find Daisy. I wanted to believe that the bird was still around and that nothing bad had happened to her since she was alone. I was looking forward to seeing her again, touching her soft feathers one more time. She was not only special to me, but she was also my last hope of returning home after all. Without the bird I wouldn't be able to flee this strange, frightening place humans called city. I didn't want to be stuck here forever, living like a runaway, stealing crumbs of food and stuffing myself into dark, dirty holes, praying that no giant found me. All alone and homeless. Such a dreadful fate it would be. Just thinking about it made me shiver. I shook my head to get rid of those horrible thoughts and focused on the giant man and girl that had me. I need to get away from them somehow.

"Daddy, can I go play in the playground?"

"All right. I'll go get you some ice cream, then. Stay where I can see you."


Then the child turned, bringing me in front of her.

"Come on, Princess Candy." She whispered to me, then ran away shaking me abruptly.

She ran a few meters until she reached the playground. The girl looked around the place, however it was empty, with no other children nearby. So the kid went to the sandbox putting me and the doll on the floor as she was sitting with legs crossed.

"Princess Candy, this is Bloom. Bloom, this is Princess Candy." The girl introduced us as she made our voices like we were talking to each other. "Isn't she cute, Bloom? Look at her fancy dress and bag."

She held us by the waist, playing with us as she wanted. I looked around, looking for anything that might be useful, something that might serve as a distraction, but there was nothing. I was already feeling nauseous from being moved around so much. I wanted to get down, I wanted to be on my feet again.

"Princess Candy will be your little sister from now on, Bloom, and I'll be your mommy." The girl spoke to the real doll, then she turned to me again. "We are going to have a lot of fun together, aren't we? I can't wait to get home! You'll have a pink car just for you."

"Julia!" Her father called her from afar. "Julia! Come here, honey!"

"I'm coming, dad!" She put me on the floor next to her blonde doll, smoothing the top of my head. "Behave you two, all right? I'll be right back." She smiled.

Then the giant girl turned and walked towards the man. I was finally allowed to relax my muscles. I could no longer hold myself still and rigid like I was made of plastic. That's my chance to leave. As I stretched my arms and legs I looked at the motionless doll next to me, which was always holding that fake smile on its face. I hoped to never see one of those things again. I got up and walked to the edge of the sandbox. Fortunately there was a small mound of sand that made it easy to climb, allowing me to get to the top of the wall. From there I gazed at the girl in the distance, watching her as she acted playful with her father like any other child in the world would. She would be so disappointed when she found out I wasn't there anymore. She wasn't bad, she was just a child. However it wasn't a difficult decision to make.

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