Chapter 12. Conversation

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My eyes widened when I heard her speak. Her voice was so soft I could barely hear her if I wasn't paying close attention. My mouth opened, but no words came out of it. I was stunned. Am I dreaming? She was standing there, staring at me. Even small she looked kind of imposing. I felt somewhat stupid in front of her, like a clumsy guy in front of the most popular girl in school. She came a little closer to me and looked me in the eyes. There was no fear in her face.

"I just wanted to say thank you."

She's... thanking me? I couldn't believe what was happening. One day I was traveling with my usual friends and the next a tiny girl was talking to me. I remained speechless.

"I was freezing in the cold. I was..." She hugged her body as she looked to the window, watching the rain still falling outside. "I was dying, but you saved me." Her eyes were tender as they looked back at me. "I'm grateful to you for that."

I blinked my eyes processing what I had just heard. I had just wrapped my hand around her. It was such a common thing to do, grabbing things with your hands. It was so natural. Nothing that required any effort from me. That didn't feel much like saving someone. Not someone like me at least. However there was a tiny girl who was saying that I saved her and that she was grateful for it. I could easily mistake that for a dream, but it had been real how she fit perfectly in the palm of my hand. I could still feel the icy touch of her small body shivering against my skin. I really saved her with just my hand, didn't I?

"I'm glad I found you."

Then I looked down, not quite sure what to do. What else could I say? Last night I was looking forward to talking to her all day, but now that she was really talking I felt small in front of her. How funny.

"Why did you come after me?" She asked.

I looked at her in confusion, trying to understand what she was asking.

"I ran away from you, but you went after me still." She emphasized. "Why?"

"When I woke up and didn't see you..." I started sheepishly. "I... I got worried about you."

"Why didn't you just leave me there?"

Her face was full of courage as she looked at me, but also doubt. I could have sworn her irises were shaking like she was about to cry. She was begging for an answer. I sighed for courage.

"I couldn't let you die. I don't know why, but I feel like I need to protect you."

My answer was nothing more than genuine, but it seemed to make her unsettled. She wrapped the towel more tightly around her body and looked away from me. She seemed to think to herself, considering my words. I stood still, waiting for her time.

"My name's Mina."

My eyes widened in surprise. She was telling me her name. Everyone had a name, so that shouldn't be a big deal, but she wasn't just anyone. She was something else, something out of a fairy tale. So knowing her name mattered.

"I'm Max." I said without thinking how silly that sounded.

"I know. You told me." She smiled.

She dropped the towel, letting it fall to the mattress revealing her dress completely dry. Then she held out her tiny hand to me. She wants me to touch it. No. Not touch. She wanted me to hold it. All right. I brought my index finger slowly towards the small girl, careful not to scare her. However she didn't seem afraid of my hand as it got closer to her. I felt relieved not to see her shaking from it again. She took my fingertip in her small hand and shook it. Her movements barely moved my finger, but it was enough to make that unusual handshake work. I chuckled.

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